Monday, March 21, 2016

Spring Break

     During spring break, I played a whole lot of softball and took a very long road trip to lubbock. The trip to Lubbock is the longest and most boring trip I have ever been on and that is saying something since I drive 18 hours every winter break to Illinois. On the way to Lubbock, there was a whole bunch of cows, grass and windmills. I couldn't believe how many windmills I saw. I mean there emus have been over a thousand and they seemed to never end. hey just kept turning and turning. Once in a while you would hit a small town with about 3 buildings but within a minute it would be back to staring at grass and oil pumps. We got there and went to eat at On the Border, it's a rip off. We got the chips, queso, and guacamole which was supposed to be $2, however it ended up being $8 because we weren't eating at the bar or on the patio. $8 wouldn't be bad except that they gave us about a spoonful of guacamole and about 2 spoonfuls of queso. And their meat was cld n their tacos. The next morning though we headed to Texas Tech, we got to take a tour.  College looks like so much fun. We saw the dorms, ate real college food (which is so much better than On the Border), took a tour of the campus, and got to learn about the colleges history. Everything at Texas Tech is free too. Admission to any sports event, concerts in town, and even places to eat are free to tech students. Also they have a huge Lazy river on campus!
     Other than going to Texas Tech, my spring break consisted of softball. I played 5 games with Bowie and over 10 with my select team. We ended up placing third in the college station tournament we went to last weekend. (That was with my select team.) During that tournament I ended up getting hit in the elbow. It got really swollen and I still have stitch marks from the ball on my elbow... Other than that though the tournament was really fun.
    The only other interesting thing I did over spring break was attend my friends birthday party. (which I had to leave early because of softball) We had stake that her dad made, banana split cake, and played volleyball in the rain. It was pretty fun. We also broke out the old board games like candy land, war, mouse trap, and poker. We played with goldfish :).
      That was about all I did over spring break that I was interesting. I did have to annotate 5 chapters of to oil a mockingbird and do a plant packet... but that wasn't very fun.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Magazine Peer Review

Kendall's Magazine: Brighten
a. What is the name of the magazine that you looked at and who made it?
Brighten and Kendall Johnson made it
b. List two things you liked about the magazine cover
I like the creative photo with the lightbulb in front of the subjects eye and  I liked how the text colors really tie in to the photo and blend the cover together. 
c. Suggest something to the creator to improve the cover
I would fix the white text in the bright areas of the photo/cover because sometimes it is hard to read. 
d. Why did you pick this cover? Specifically what attracted your eyes.
I picked this cover because the bold title caught my attention. It went really well with the photo and the subject of the photo caught my attention because of the creative twist with the lightbulb. 
e. Is there a bar code? Is it appropriate in size and located in the correct place?
There is a barcode and it is the appropriate size and in the right place. 
f. If you were walking by the magazines in Barnes and Nobles would you pick this magazine up and look at it? Why or Why not?
Yes because it is very well designed to the point where the text (especially the title) catches my attention but the photo does as well. It is equally balanced. g. Can you tell if it was a portrait or self-portrait
It was a portrait

a. What is the name of the magazine that you looked at and who made it?
Vagabond and Kelly Thornton made it
b. List two things you liked about the magazine cover
I really like the different textures placed on the photo and how her title (name of magazine) is not at the top like everyone else's. I like how it is going down the side of the cover. 
c. Suggest something to the creator to improve the cover
I would rearrange the text boxes so that they are not all in the top corner. Other than that it looks really good. 
d. Why did you pick this cover? Specifically what attracted your eyes.
I picked this cover because it was different. I liked how the cover was not just a picture, she added textures and did a cutout of herself to create a more advanced design on her cover. 
e. Is there a bar code? Is it appropriate in size and located in the correct place?
There is a barcode and it is the appropriate size and in the right place. 
f. If you were walking by the magazines in Barnes and Nobles would you pick this magazine up and look at it? Why or Why not?
Yes because it is very well designed and unique. The different colors which contrast with the black catch my attention and it just looks good. Also the title "vagabond" makes me curious because I was not aware of what that word meant. g. Can you tell if it was a portrait or self-portrait
It was a self-portrait

a. What is the name of the magazine that you looked at and who made it?
Stress and Jaye R. made it. 
b. List two things you liked about the magazine cover
I really liked how the subject overlaps the text and his face in a way looks like a backwards "E" which is the later he is overlapping. I also liked how the color palette was consistent and the only thing that stands out is the subject's shirt. 
c. Suggest something to the creator to improve the cover
I would put some of the cover lines on the other half of the cover so it is not so text heavy on just the let side. 
d. Why did you pick this cover? Specifically what attracted your eyes.
I picked this cover because it was very symmetrical and clean. The subject in the center stands to and catches my attention, and the title is very relatable. 
e. Is there a bar code? Is it appropriate in size and located in the correct place?
There is a barcode and it is the appropriate size and in the right place. 
f. If you were walking by the magazines in Barnes and Nobles would you pick this magazine up and look at it? Why or Why not?
Yes because the subject in the center catches my attention. The magazine is very clean however his shirt stands out and draws in my attention. g. Can you tell if it was a portrait or self-portrait
It was a portrait

Newspaper Design 1

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Other High school newspapers

  1. My favorite newspaper front page is the first one from Northwest passage High school because it looks most like a yearbook. It seems more inviting and interesting to look at especially because of the graphs on the front page and how relatable that photo is of a girl stressed out because of homework. 
  2. Again the one from Northwest passage immediately grabbed my attention because it didn't look like a traditional front page of a newspaper. It had fun graphics and looked almost like a yearbook cover. I have never seen a newspaper that looked so fun and interesting so it grabbed my attention. 
  3. My favorite headline would have to be the only headline on the front page, The homework Headache. It's interesting because of how relatable it is and I want to know if this story will give any tips about how to prevent getting such stress from homework.  
  4. No stories on the front page, just a table of contents, a main headline, graphics, and a giant picture. 
  5. All newspapers include at least one big photo on their front cover and a headline addressing the big story in their paper. Most of them include a main story with small text and then multiple other stories. 
  6. There were a lot more that the front page was just a photo with a headline. There was no real story on the front just a label that pointed the reader to where in the newspaper the story was. 
  7. I think the high school newspapers had a lot more magazine like covers where as the ones around the world had the more traditional look of a few pictures, one big headline, and lots of stories and subheads on their front page. 



Headlinesa heading at the top of an article or page in a newspaper or magazine.

Subheadlines- a smaller, secondary headline that usually elaborates on the main headline above it
Lines- a line of text in a newspaper

BoxesA small article or headline enclosed by lines to give it visual emphasis
Photos- Pictures set next to the story in which they are depicting to help provide the refer with an image

TeaserA term for promotional boxes, words and/or pictures that are usually above the nameplate of the newspaper. It could encourage the reader to read a particular story or a special section. Also called a skybox.

FlagType on front page which gives name of newspaper

Folios- At the bottom of a page and tells you the category of the page and the page number

Captions- short (typically 3 sentences) text that explains what is happening in a photo

Stories- Long text that tells about an event or other things that are being addressed in the newspaper

Bylines- a a printed line of text accompanying a news story or article giving the authors name

JumpsTo continue a story from one page to another.

Story dividers- A break from the story in which one would put a jump so there is a break. 

ScreensA shaded area of copy in a newspaper. A text box might have a slight grey screen behind it to make it stand out.

Infographics- Graphics added to the paper that provide fun information such as percentages, graphs, quotes, etc. 

Masthead/staff boxinformation about the newspaper, such as the name of the publishing company, names of the officers of the company, location of editorial offices, editorship and distribution facts, all usually found at the top of the editorial page

Front pages of the world

  1.  My favorite was the Metro New York edition because the front cover was entirely pictures. I feel like that would draw me into it more because i can righty see what the story is going to be about without having to pick it up and look at it.  
  2. My favorite headline was "Hear them roar" because it clearly described how this presidential debate is going. It's just a whole bunch of candidate fighting and yelling to try to get their points across, like roaring lions. The fact that it is a little bit more of a creative headline interests me and makes me want to read it more. 
  3.  There are no stories on the front page go this newspaper however there are a few subheads and explanations under a few of the headlines stating what the stories will say. 
  4. All the front pages include a big picture around the middle of the page and include the newspapers name a t the time. The designs are very modular and "squary." The story text is typically pretty small and in easy to read fonts and all the heads and subheads are pretty large. 
  5. Some newspapers have a lot more text on their from pages. They may only have one photo. While others have a lot more photos. Some have one really huge photo to go with their main story and than a bunch of little ones while some have 3 or 4 larger photos. 

Twisted Fairytales and other terrors of growing up

Please DO submit this

Current Events Quiz 5.1

1. List the top 2 candidates in the Texas primaries for each political party and tell me the percentage of voters who selected them. Page A1, jumps to page A11 (Hint: you will find the information you need on page A11 somewhere, but looking at the start of the stories on page A1 is smart)
DEMOCRAT: Hilary Clinton with 68% and Bernie Sanders with 31%
REPUBLIC: Ted Cruz with 41% and Donald Trump with 28%

2. How many students will benefit from a $1 million donation by Gregg Lowe and his wife? Page B1 "Couple donates $1M..."

1090 students

3. What will Savara Pharmaceuticals do with its recently acquired $20 million? Page B7 "Austin's Savara raises $20M"

They are preparing to launch new clinical trials of its inhalable drug for cystic fibrosis. 

4. Which of the 4 streaming titles would you be interested in watching? page D2 "Austin filmmaker getting..."
The teller and the truth because I like crime stories and things that are based on real life events. 

5. Who were the two teams that beat the UT mens and women's basketball teams yesterday emphatically sending the message that neither team is ready for the post-season and what was the score in each game? Page C1 (Hint: the boys played one team and the girls played another, they are not the same school)

Men"s basketball played Kansas and lost 86 to 56. 
Women's basketball played Baylor and lost 74 to 48. 

          I don't believe that apple should be forced to crate a backdoor for the information stored in their phones but  I think it is the right thing to do. These phones could have valuable information on them and the government could use it to help prevent anymore mass shootings or terrorist attacks. However I do commend apple for sticking strong to the privacy policy that it has promised its customers. 
          If someone took my phone I would not want them to have access to the information on their but only for safety purposes. I feel like accessing the information on a terrorists phone is different because you don't need to protect the terrorist but unlocking that information would provide safety for the rest of the united states people.
          I think "national security" should be a good enough reason to access this information but only on this one phone. I think that there should be a system and actions that have to be taken for each phone that they want to unlock and I think the people should decide if it gets unlocked. Because if the people don't think the information on that phone would make them feel safer than the excuse or reason of unlocking for "national security" purposes goes away. However I do believe it is a good enough reason because the governments job is to protect their people and if unlocking this phone and accessing that information provides safety and security then it should be unlocked. 
          My parents do check my phone. They look at my Instagram and occasionally will check my texts to make sure that I am safe and that I am not doing or posting anything wrong to the internet. 
          I do think parents should do this for their children. I know that I get annoyed with it sometimes but keeping a watch on your kids and making sure that they stay safe and make good decisions is one of a parents many jobs. Many kids act totally different on social media because either no one knows it's them or they know that no adults are looking. I think that if more parents checked their teens phones, their would be less drama and kids and teens would make better decision. 
          I think that kids should be exposed to electronics around 6th grade. Sixth grade is when activities and homework and friends become a big part of your life and having a phone to communicate with others and help with your homework is very helpful. Phones can be used for so many different things and I think can really start helping you once you reach middle school.