Monday, March 21, 2016

Spring Break

     During spring break, I played a whole lot of softball and took a very long road trip to lubbock. The trip to Lubbock is the longest and most boring trip I have ever been on and that is saying something since I drive 18 hours every winter break to Illinois. On the way to Lubbock, there was a whole bunch of cows, grass and windmills. I couldn't believe how many windmills I saw. I mean there emus have been over a thousand and they seemed to never end. hey just kept turning and turning. Once in a while you would hit a small town with about 3 buildings but within a minute it would be back to staring at grass and oil pumps. We got there and went to eat at On the Border, it's a rip off. We got the chips, queso, and guacamole which was supposed to be $2, however it ended up being $8 because we weren't eating at the bar or on the patio. $8 wouldn't be bad except that they gave us about a spoonful of guacamole and about 2 spoonfuls of queso. And their meat was cld n their tacos. The next morning though we headed to Texas Tech, we got to take a tour.  College looks like so much fun. We saw the dorms, ate real college food (which is so much better than On the Border), took a tour of the campus, and got to learn about the colleges history. Everything at Texas Tech is free too. Admission to any sports event, concerts in town, and even places to eat are free to tech students. Also they have a huge Lazy river on campus!
     Other than going to Texas Tech, my spring break consisted of softball. I played 5 games with Bowie and over 10 with my select team. We ended up placing third in the college station tournament we went to last weekend. (That was with my select team.) During that tournament I ended up getting hit in the elbow. It got really swollen and I still have stitch marks from the ball on my elbow... Other than that though the tournament was really fun.
    The only other interesting thing I did over spring break was attend my friends birthday party. (which I had to leave early because of softball) We had stake that her dad made, banana split cake, and played volleyball in the rain. It was pretty fun. We also broke out the old board games like candy land, war, mouse trap, and poker. We played with goldfish :).
      That was about all I did over spring break that I was interesting. I did have to annotate 5 chapters of to oil a mockingbird and do a plant packet... but that wasn't very fun.

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