Tuesday, February 23, 2016

My Portrait and Self-Portrait

(Plan on making black and white with color where his paint brush has passed)


Saturday, February 20, 2016

Current Events Quiz 4.4

1. What is Apple trying to keep from having to do in response to a Federal court order? Page A4 "Apple encryption system..."
-Apple is trying to keep from getting rid of it's encrypting code which allows privacy for all users. It doesn't want to have to unlock the phone captured from St. Bardierno

2. What is the food supplement that Texas A&M researchers have found that may help autistic kids? Page B1 "A&M study..."

3. What did Walmart say caused their earnings to drop last quarter? Page B6 "Walmart profits down..."

-Challenges in international companies such as China and the fact that e-commerce is declining, causing a loss in money because people aren't shopping online as much.

4. Why were some area high schools appealing to UIL regarding the sports district alignments? Page C1 "Centex Schools..."

-Due to the amount of traffic and classes that it will effect

5. What are some of the popular VR devices coming to market soon? Page SA1 "Virtual insanity"
-Oculus Rift
-HTC Vive

     I learned that the supreme court recently lost their most conservative judge, therefore leaving a total of eight judges, four of which are considered liberals, and four that are conservatives. This is going to cause a tie in one of the recent court cases. Also, many cases are going to have to be rethought due to this judges death before some of the cases were finished. 
     Justice Antonin Scalia recently died leaving the court with four liberals and four conservatives which will cause ties and therefore a problem in the court. 
     Yes, I do believe some pressure should be put on congress to solve this deadlock because people are waiting to hear how their lives are going to go depending on which way the court rules. A tie would mean a long time of waiting and anticipation especially since this case is for teachers and they need to be focused on teaching and education, not how this court rule is going to go. 
     I was not aware of the problems the president was facing while trying to appoint a new supreme justice.  I think that he needs to decide quickly because you can't just continue to end up with deadlocks in the court but I understand that he has two options, pick a liberal or pick a conservative. I think he should pick someone who is mostly liberal because the previous judge was mostly conservative making it only fair to now have a liberal judge serve as Supreme justice. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Lone Star Issue #4

A new policy for transfers takes effect
Summary: Starting next school year, transferring into schools will be completely different. This is to help prevent overcrowding in schools that already have a lot of students. Transfers will now be open to those with siblings, there will be a tracking transfer, and a majority and minority transfer.

Who: Students who are looking for a transfer
What: How students will be able to transfer schools next year
Where: In any AISD school
When: Next year, 2016-2017
Why: To prevent overcrowding and allow for more ethnic diversity in all schools
How: Only allowing tracking transfers, sibling transfers, and majority and minority transfers
Who was quoted in the story:
-Andri Lyons
-Jessica Torrez
-Michaela Gero

What quote was the strongest in your opinion:
I think the quote from Gero was the strongest because it was from the eyes of a student who is going to be impacted from these new transfers policies. It also conveyed emotion when she talked about her brother's junior year being at another school.

Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading:
Yes, because I wanted to know what the new transfer policies were. The lead egged me on and got me curious. 

Was the conclusion a quote or a statement:

Red cross clue president raise awareness about medical and health issues to make a difference
Summary: Members of the red cross club are working to make a difference. They are participating in a competition that is going to fundraise for cures for certain diseases. The club has influenced many people's lives. 

Who: Red cross club members
What: Are working to raise money and awareness of retain diseases
Where: At Bowie High school in room C103
When: Tuesday
Why: They are wishing to create a difference in people's lives around the world
How: Going to competitions to raise money, being in contact with members of the red cross, and having a club
Who was quoted in the story:
- Caleb Newton
-Madison Winn
-Erin Kowalik

What quote was the strongest in your opinion:
I thin the quote by Caleb Newton at the end was the strongest. It gave his true feelings about how important this club and helping to make a difference in lives was to Caleb. 

Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading:
Yes, I wanted to know why the hallways were bare and I wasn't even aware we had this club so I wanted to learn more about it. 

Was the conclusion a quote or a statement:

Freshman Katelyn Dill takes home grand champion award
Summary: Katelyn Dill won the best of fair award at the Bowie Science fair this year. She did  The story also talks about how students are able to judge elementary school science fairs by taking two or more science classes at Bowie. 

Who: Bowie Students and Katelyn Dill
What: Being able to judge science fair
Where: At elementary schools
When: Thursday, January 14
Why: They need more judges and encourage those who are interested in science to help out
How: When a student takes more than one science class at Bowie
Who was quoted in the story:
-Alona Beatty
-Katelyn Dill

What quote was the strongest in your opinion:
I think the last quote by Katelyn dill was the best quote because you get to hear how winning feels from a student's perspective. Everyone always complains about science fair but, in this quote you get to hear the perks of doing the fair.

Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading:
Not really, it was kind of boring but also science fair was not very fun.

Was the conclusion a quote or a statement:

Ray is an All-American nominee
Summary: Senior Kianna Ray was nominated to be an All American Basketball player. She is a point guard for Bowie and has such motivation and ambition. Her teammates all think that she deserves the award. 

Who: Kianna Ray
What: Nominated for an All-American award and is a great team player for Bowie
Where: Bowie high school
When: January 6th
Why: Kianna is scouted by many coaches, has a great attitude for the game, and has been playing forever.
How: Colleges coaches and scouts have seen her play and she tried out for the USA team.

Who was quoted in the story:
-Kianna Ray
-Alyssa Kuykendall

What quote was the strongest in your opinion:
I think Alyssa's quote is the strongest because she is giving a third person opinion on Kianna. It helps everyone realize that yes she is good at basketball but she is also a team player and has a great attitude and passion for the game.

Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading:
Yes, it sounded like a normals teen life yet the headline was talking about some big award so I wanted to know what was happening. 

Was the conclusion a quote or a statement:

Sweet sounds of the steel drums
Summary: The steel drum ensemble was formed 18 years ago and has been winning awards ever since. They go to international competitions and have to learn lots of different music for their performance. Everyone in steel drums truly enjoys the class and the instrument. 

Who: The steel drums ensemble at Bowie
What: Were able to perform with professionals and win awards
Where: James Bowie High School
When: Established 18 years ago. This year they went to the competition
Why: The teacher felt the ensemble was good enough this year
How: The teacher has connections with those working this competition and was able to get an invitation

Who was quoted in the story:
-Amy Suggs
-Crosby LaGrone
-Jake Wolheb

What quote was the strongest in your opinion:
The strongest quote in my opinion was the quote by Amy Suggs talking about how rewarding it was to teach these students which shows the closeness between each of these members in the ensemble. 

Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading:
Yes it had a very interesting simile that kind of grabbed my attention. 

Was the conclusion a quote or a statement:

New Attendance policy causes confusion
Summary:People are arguing whether the incentives given for the new attendance policy is even worth it.

Who: Avy Friedman and Samantha Knapp
What: Two opinions on whether the incentives for attention are with it or not
Where: James Bowie High School
When: This year, 2016
Why: People don't know if they think it is worth coming to school even when they are sick just to get a parking spot but some say it is.
How: They both stated their opinions and put them next to each others

Who was quoted in the story:
-Avy Friedman
-Samantha Knapp

What quote was the strongest in your opinion:
The whole story was a quote and they were both personal opinions so neither was stronger tan the other. 

Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading:
There was no real lead but I was interested because I still don't quite understand the attendance incentives.

Was the conclusion a quote or a statement:
Quote (The whole story was a quote)

Tarzan brings STC to new heights
Summary: Disney's Tarzan was performed and was the most popular STC show they have had all year. It was sold out on most nights and each night of performance made so much money due to the booster club.

Who: 70 thespians from the Bowie starlight theater
What: Performed Tarzan and it was the most popular STC show
Where: James Bowie Starlight Theater
When: January for 2 weeks
Why: The booster club worked extra hard to prepare for the shows 
How: They had concessions and merchandise. The advertising for the show was good and Tarzan was a very popular show.
Who was quoted in the story:
- Eryn Northcutt
-Christina Haschke
-Emma Haschke
-Austin Hyde

What quote was the strongest in your opinion:
I think the quote from Davis was the strongest because he was stuck in traffic but it was so important for him to get there. I t just shows how dedicated theater kids are and how important these shows are to the starlight theater. 

Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading:
Yes because I was dry sad that I didn't get to see Tarzan so I wanted to read about it. 

Was the conclusion a quote or a statement:


. What is your favorite photo in the entire paper?
-My favorite is the photo on the first page of the paper below the headline. 
1A. Why is this your favorite?
-This photo is a great action shot and gives the reader a great visual of what this event really is for those who were reading the story and maybe didn't know. It creates movement and adds description and detail to the story already present.

1B. What rules of photo composition are evident?
Depth of field

2. What is your least favorite photo in the entire paper?
-My least favorite is the photo titled Reaching for the sky
2A. Why is this your least favorite?
It's my least favorite because it includes mergers and is not very simple. I can't clearly focus on the subject and the poles coming out of her head are distracting and  I'm sure she didn't like it either. 

3. If you were a photographer on staff, which event/photo assignment would you have liked to do for this issue? You will need to look through the entire paper and see the topics covered and decide which one you think would have been fun.
-I would have liked to cover Tarzan. The play was really good and I think that you could get some really cool and fun shots of that play. Also, it would be easy to focus on the main subject because  in the theater everything is black except the stage. 

4. Overall, how would you rate the photography in this issue? What were the strong points and weak points.
Overall  I would rate the photography in this issue a seven because there are a lot of good shots. There a lot of really cool action shots or emotion shots. I think most of the photo really help pull the reader into the story but there are still a few that have mergers, are blurry, or are just boring and don't really attract my attention. 

Friday, February 12, 2016

Magazine 2

There are four types go magazine covers, early magazines, the poster cover, pictures married to type, and In the forest of words.
    An early magazine cover typically modeled there covers after books, dedicated the opening to a table of contents, and many did not even have covers. Cover lines began to appear later to enhance the generic illustration.
     Te poster cover was a cover that typically just had a picture. The picture did not need any explaining. Later cover lines became part of the poster cover. The picture was supposed to be able to draw in the viewers.
     Pictures married to type is a cover that relied on it's cover line to draw people into the magazine. Typically the cover line is big and the photo is surrounded by a lot of text. They have found an equal balance of text and photo on their cover.
     In the forest of woods cover is one where the cover line is typically larger than the actual name of the magazine. It is a cover that has moved away from big pictures to more text and headlines on the page. Some magazine's have started to think that text can attract more people than a picture can.

My Favorite Cover


"Too often magazine covers simply repeat one another, and we're not just talking about the last ten years of O, here. So when we launched our Ultimate Men's Health Guy Search last spring, we hoped it would produce a November cover that would be unique, inspirational, and stop readers in their tracks. Meet Noah Galloway, the double-amputee Iraq vet who is our first ever UMHG. In this shot by Peter Yang, he simultaneously broadcasts troubling disability and vibrant health, and instantly commands respect and gratitude. Corporal Galloway, we salute you--and your Men's Health cover." - See more at: http://www.magazine.org/asme/magazine-cover-contest/past-winners-finalists/2015-winners-finalists#sthash.2L6T1l9i.dpuf

This cover is simple and clean. It is very easy to look at at and gets the point across fast. This magazine is trying to communicate that the stereotypical healthy man is not the only type of healthy man out there. The man on this cover is missing an arm and a leg yet still seems to be proud and strong. Some would feel pity for this man but this cover is communicating and making a point that any man can be healthy and strong. The lighting in this photo causes him to look as if he is glistening, like he just worked hard. I think this helps portray the fact that he is healthy despite his missing limbs. I really like the message that this cover portrays and how simple and easy to look at it is. 

Best Covers

1. Formal
2. Formal
3. Informal
4. Environmental
5. Formal
6. Informal
7. Informal
8. Formal
9. Informal
10. Environmental
11. Formal
12. Informal
13. Formal
14. Informal
15. Informal
16. Informal
17. Formal
18. Informal

Magazine Tips

1. The cover carried all the usual elements, but they were blended by the color, and that simplicity popped it out from its surrounding, gaudy competition. Less is more, but can you imagine the arguments before they agreed to go with it?

2. covering the cover with as many pictorial and verbal appeals as they could squeeze in, using every color (especially process yellow), typeface, angle, overlap, silhouetting, shadow and trick. The startling difference created enormous curiosity, 

3Coverlines—lots and lots of them. 

4. Emotionally irresistible (that’s the image’s appeal)

5. Efficient, fast, easy to scan (that’s showing off the service)

Monday, February 8, 2016

Prompt shoot #2




Curent Events 4.3

1. What are five things you should know about the Zika virus? Page A1
1. Zika is in Travis County
2. Zika is linked to birth defects
3. It has been found active in saliva and urine
4. Pregnant women re at risk
5. There's no vaccine for Zika
2. How is Ft. Hood promoting renewable energy? Page A1
The army has embarked on a mission to pull more power from renewable sources. They have 75 miles of solar panels to promote renewable energy and will be continuing this project for awhile. 
3. What are three of the top jobs that do not require a 4-year college degree? Page B7
1. Licensed Practical nurse
2. Electrician
3. Plumber

4. Who won the Super Bowl and what was the score? Page C1
The Denver Broncos won the Super Bowl and the score was 10-24. 

5. Skim the Webb Report on Page D2, which story was the most interesting? Just give me the subheadline of the six stories there.
The story about the stolen Miley doll is most interesting because it is so bizarre. Why would you steal a life size Miley doll? People do crazy things...
1. Stolen Miley sex doll recovered
2. Horns up, McConaughey
3. Start Your Engines
4. #nofilter
5. Austin Family values
6. Newsmakers

     My favorite photo is picture of the man on the bike riding throughout the snow, pedal through the powder. I like this picture because all the action (falling snow) is completely stopped and you can see every small detail. Furthermore only the subject is in focus making the photo more appealing and making it easier to see the man's emotions. 
     I think the photo of the bull fight had the most interesting stuff/things happening in the photo. First of all, it is a great acton shot and you can see the bull's muscles and the bullfighters face. Furthermore you can make out the blurry people in the background who are all intensely watching this fight happen. The fact that there are two subjects creates more suspense because from the photograph, I don't know what is going to happen. This photo is interesting because it pulls me in and I want to know more about everything that is happening in the photo. 
     I think the photo of the ballets being counted that just shows the hands is the most boring. All you can really see are hands and pieces of paper. The photo doesn't really catch my attention and is boring. I like to see people in photos but there are only hands in this photo. There just isn't much action happening and the subject of the photo (voting) doesn't really interest me. 
     I think the photo "flight of the angel" had the most interesting subject because of how he is dressed and the background of the photo. I don't really know what's happening in the photo just by looking at  it but the lady that is larger and dressed looks to be royalty of some sort. Furthermore there is a mass of people behind her which makes me think she is famous or very important. She catches my eye and causes me to want to know more about her. Therefore I think she is the most interesting subject. 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Portrits and self portraits

17. Introduce Movement

Portraits can be so static – but what if you added some movement into them? This can be achieved in a few ways:
  • by making your subject move
  • by keeping your subject still but having an element in the scene around them move
  • by moving your camera (or it’s lens to achieve a zoom burst)The key with the above three methods is to use a slow enough shutter speed to capture the movement.
    The alternative is to have your subject obviously move fast but to use a shutter speed so fast that it ‘freezes’ their movement.

    19. Fill the Frame

    One way to ensure that your subject captures the attention of the viewer of your portrait is to fill the frame with their face.
    It’s not something that you’d do in every shot that you take – but if your subject is the only feature in the shot – there’s really nowhere else to look.

    9. Obscure Part of your Subject

    A variation on the idea of zooming in on one part of the body is to obscure parts of your portrait subject’s face or body. You can do this with clothing, objects, their hands or just by framing part of them out of the image.
    Doing this means that you leave a little to the imagination of the image’s viewer but also focus their attention on parts of your subject that you want them to be focused upon.


    I like this picture because the guitar leads you to the subject of the photo. Also the guitar is blurry but the man, the main subject, is in focus. I think it demonstrates the environment this man enjoys, music and mysterious. 


    I like this picture because his face fills the frame. You can see every detail and all the texture that is on his face. The picture is crisp, clear, and up close which makes this man seem bold and a hard worker.


    I like this portrait because it is candid and the bride is framed by the car window. It is close enough that you can clearly see the bride's emotion but far enough away to capture the event and frame the subject. 

    1. What are the characteristics of an environmental portrait?
    -An environmental portrait captures the subject (a person) but in an environment that they enjoy. For example a basketball court, or on a stage. They are plead somewhere that is an environment they know well. 
    2. What is the difference between an environmental portrait and a casual portrait?
    A casual portrait is just any picture of a person at any time or place where as an environmental portrait is placed in a certain location. 
    3. What will you need to do to get a really good self-portrait?
    To get a really good self-portrait, the camera needs to be on a tripod so it can stand alone, and you need to plan out where you are going to pose. 
    4.  When you go take these pictures, and you will eventually turn in one of each, a portrait and a self-portrait, describe to me what you would like to do and who you would like to take a portrait of and where you might shoot these images.
    For the portrait,  I would like to do one with someone moving in the background almost as if there is a ghost. (So create movement.) I would like to do it with my two brothers. I might do it in our dining room because it is more old fashioned looking. 
    For the self portrait, I am of course going to shoot myself. I would like to do a close up with different lighting so it is dark with streaks of light. If not that, I would like to do some sort of framing like in a car or the treehouse in my backyard.