Friday, February 12, 2016

My Favorite Cover


"Too often magazine covers simply repeat one another, and we're not just talking about the last ten years of O, here. So when we launched our Ultimate Men's Health Guy Search last spring, we hoped it would produce a November cover that would be unique, inspirational, and stop readers in their tracks. Meet Noah Galloway, the double-amputee Iraq vet who is our first ever UMHG. In this shot by Peter Yang, he simultaneously broadcasts troubling disability and vibrant health, and instantly commands respect and gratitude. Corporal Galloway, we salute you--and your Men's Health cover." - See more at:

This cover is simple and clean. It is very easy to look at at and gets the point across fast. This magazine is trying to communicate that the stereotypical healthy man is not the only type of healthy man out there. The man on this cover is missing an arm and a leg yet still seems to be proud and strong. Some would feel pity for this man but this cover is communicating and making a point that any man can be healthy and strong. The lighting in this photo causes him to look as if he is glistening, like he just worked hard. I think this helps portray the fact that he is healthy despite his missing limbs. I really like the message that this cover portrays and how simple and easy to look at it is. 

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