Monday, May 23, 2016

Car Raid

Monique Zint, mother of two and happily married appears to have the perfect life. However, she struggles with something many of us struggle with daily.

"I get lost frequently and I don't really trust my GPS," Zint said. "Sometimes it takes me to the wrong spot so I like to have the maps and the GPS so I make sure I get to the right place."

Maps were found all over Zint's car. They were on the floor and stuffed in compartments.

"I don't throw them away usually because one, I forget about them, and two I go to the same places a lot so it is helpful to already have the map ready to go," Zint said.

Getting lost is something many people deal with and struggle with as they have no sense of direction.

"Once I was trying to get my daughter to cheer practice and I went the complete opposite direction," Zint said.

This problem can cause frustration and exasperation when driving for both the parent and the kid.

"It frustrates me so I always leave a little bit earlier so I usually end up getting places earlier than I need to," Zint said. "Then my kids complain that they have to sit around and do nothing. So I lose either way."

Unlike most, Zint prefers maps over GPS because it brings her closer to home.

"My dad taught me how to read maps," Zint said. "He would always pull out the atlas when we were going anywhere and show us how to get there using the atlas so we would know how to go."

Zint's dad was in the military so reading maps was a skill that he was able to pass down to his family and kids.

"I think everyone should know how to read maps because in this day and age everybody relies on their technological stuff but when you get up where your phone doesn't work anymore, you need to have a backup plan," Zint said.

Zint has tried to pass tis skill and many more to her kids as she thinks it is important in life and something that keeps them close to their grandfather.

"My dad also taught me to try really hard in everything, and that if you tried really hard that's all that mattered," Zint said. "I have tried to pass those morals and ideas onto my kids." Zint said.

Traditions and skills, such as reading maps, are something that are slowly going away due to advancing technology.

However some are still trying to keep those customs alive.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Car Raid

1. Who will your do your car raid with (who is your subject)?
-I will probably be do my senior friend Marissa.
2. When will you do this car raid?

-On Friday, at cross country tryouts
3. Write 4-5 questions you can use to start this interview?

-Why do you have a whole bunch of empty juice land cups?
-What does all this stuff have to do with running?
-How does running effect what is in your car?
-What do you use most or do most after a run?
4. What kind of details should your expect to write down to help advance the story line?
-What i found in her car
-The type of car


Merger Photo

Merger Photo

1. Is there something you see in the photo above that you think could be a problem when you take your photos? Look carefully.
I think the tree could be a problem as it move during the photo.

2. Where do you think would be a great place to take this type of picture here on the Bowie campus?

I think out on the track would be a great place to take the photo. 

3. Can you think of something creative to actually DO in the photo when you take yours?

I think I will do something with running and switching lanes

4. Is there something you could wear that would help you when you do this photo?

Runners clothes or clothes that not move during the picture

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Final project planning

•I have already shot the main part of the video that consists of my brother drawing a pocket watch. I will ahoot the extra video this weekend on saturday.
• i will be shooting in my neighborhood around the creek and trees and stuff
•I will be documenting or telling my story about how himans waste the time they are given here and need to make the most of the time they have.
•i will be using a DSLR camera (which i own) and my brothers drawing skills to complete this task
•my barration will be throughout the film to descride time and how people should use it. I am still deciding but i think my videos will either go throughout the film or all at the end. The videos will be examples of cool things or normal things to do with your time. The still images are going to be the drawing. The photos will be really short so it looks almost like he is actually drawing but they will be still images.

Monday, May 9, 2016

HDR photography

1. What manipulations to the camera will you need to make to create an HDR image?
- Change the exposure, shutter speed, and aperture for each image taken.

2. What equipment will we use to take this type of image?

-Tripod, A camera (preferably with Auto Exposure Bracketing) and HDR photo-blending software

3. What is the reason someone might take an HDR image?

-To allow for the most focused, well-lit, and color in a photo. It provides for a better image and allows the photographer to exceed the dynamic range.

4. What can we expect to happen with the images once we merge them together, what will we see that we might not have seen with just one photo?

-A higher dynamic range, a broader spectrum, more color, well-lit, extreme focus

Current Events Quiz 6.2

1. What was the percentage of voters who rejected Proposition 1 regarding ride sharing in Austin? Page A1 "Prop 1 defeat sparks..."
-56 percent

2. What provision of the campus carry gun laws is UT-Austin planning to implement that other schools do not plan to do? Page A1 "UT gun rules likely...." HINT: the answer is on this page, not on the jump

-A license-holder carrying a semi-austomatic handgun on campus can not have a chambered round of ammunition.

3. Why do experts say "El Chapo's" new prison a bad place to hold him? Page A8 "El Chapo's new prison..."

-The prison is in an area where El Chapo has control, the prison conditions are not very good, and it's rated one of the worst prisons. 

4. What is Petcube? page B5 "It's like Skype for Fido"

- A smart camera that allows users to watch their pets in real time and talk and play with them remotely using a laser pointer.

5. Who won the Kentucky Derby yesterday? Page C1 "Nyquist could face...."


I have never used left or uber for a ride. 
      In the future I don't see myself using ride sharing. I think it is a good idea and helps to prevent drunk driving but  don't like the idea of getting in a random person's car. If worse comes to worse and  Ihave no other way to get home then I will use either uber or left. However, as of now, I do not see myself ever using either of those ride sharing programs. 
      I do think that ride sharing is a great idea for communities like Austin. It's a big place, hard to get around, and has lots of parties. Ride sharing helps prevent drunk drivers from being on the road, and provides ways for those without cars to get around town more easily. 
      I think the difference between ride sharing companies (like uber and left) and taxi cab companies is that taxi cab companies have much more regulations and laws for when they are driving people around. I also think that taxi's are thought more of as a way to get around town while ride sharing companies are thought more of as someone "to pick me up" from the bar. 
       I don't think that ride sharing companies should be heal to the same safety regulations as taxi cab companies. It is your choice to ride in these ride sharing companies and if you question their safety then take a cab. Ride sharing companies are making people's lives easier and if you don't like their safety policies then you don't have to use them. 

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Captain Phillips review

    HOOKED on "Captain Phillips"

  "I come too far, Irish. I'll not give up," is a line delivered by Muse, a somali pirate played by Barkhad Abdi, in the film Captain Phillips. In the film, the pirates are trying to raid Captain Phillip's ship and take their money and resources. This line shows that these pirates are desperate to receive the desired ransom money as it could save their lives, just as Captain Phillips is desperate to be saved and returned to his family after being captured. Whether it be because of a financial situation, a way of life, or being captured, both groups (Americans and Somalis) in the movie are presented as desperate for something in their situation. This film is different and original from most stereotypical and cliche hero vs. villain films as it brings the two groups together and down to earth showing that even the most different of people can be equal in some way or another.
      Directed by Paul Greengrass, Captain Phillips was a suspenseful drama based on a real life event. It begins with Captain Richard Phillips, played by Tom Hanks, being sent out to sea carrying cargo for countries in Africa. From the get-go, this movie is able to evoke the viewer's emotion as the wife cries for her husband's (Captain Phillips) safety overseas. (Typical Hollywood pull) While sailing, his ship, the Alabama Maersk, gets attacked by four somali pirates looking for money. The crew enters their positions, ready for attack, and then retreats to hiding in the engine room in attempts to escape the pirates. At this point, action and viewer suspense has been introduced. The movie does a great job about keeping the viewer hooked and constantly entertained. Muse is the leader of the pirates while Bilal, played by Barkhad Abdirahman, Najee, played by Faysal Ahmed, and Elmi, played by Mahat M. Ali are his crew. As they search the ship, the Alabama Maersk's crew ends up making a deal to send the pirates back without any harm. However it goes bad and the pirates take Captain Phillips hostage. The pirates plan to take the captain back to Somalia; however, all hell breaks loose when the pirates won't cooperate when the navy arrives and orders that the hostage be left unharmed.
       The story is full of unexpected plot twists yet still remains mostly accurate to the actual event that happened in 2009. There are a few flaws in the storyline compared to the actual event however these flaws, such as the broken glass layer in front of the engine room, do not take away from the meaning and impact that the movie has on a viewer. Teamwork is a theme that plays a very crucial role throughout the story and I believe is an idea that (along with showing everyone is equal in some way) impacts viewer's the most.  It can be seen in the scenes where the navy works to try and free Phillips, when the crew of the Alabama Maersk try to defend their ship, or even when the pirates work together to capture Phillips and raid the ship.
    This film was definitely intriguing throughout the entire two hours and fourteen minutes. I couldn't stop looking at the screen. The suspenseful moments where I didn't know what was going to happen next or the action packed fighting scenes where both sides were fighting for their lives really kept me hooked. Furthermore, the ending evoked a lot of emotion when seeing the situation Captain Phillips was put in. Watching Captain Phillips montage of facial expressions at the end is truly a scene to watch. Throughout the movie, they had built Phillips up as a strong and courageous man. But, to see him break down later in the movie helps people to see that it is okay to feel emotions and be sad. I believe the movie did a great job of building up the suspense for that very unpredictable moment. I also really like the way the film doesn't just portray the pirates as the "villains" in the film, but it also shows that they are doing whatever they can to survive just as the American sailors were doing whatever they could to support their families. Desperation is a feeling that can really drive the actions of a person. It seems like the stereotypical story about Americans being superior, but I think it delves a little deeper into the idea that everyone is doing whatever they can to survive in this difficult life.
    The suspense and action found throughout this film would definitely intrigue a more mature audience. I think that anyone above the age of thirteen would truly enjoy this film, and be able to grasp the meaning behind it. Even though this film does contain minimal gore and profound language, (which adds to the suspense and drama) it sends a good message to all viewers above the age of thirteen.
   If you are looking for a movie that will have you on the edge of you seat, angry, and crying all at the same time, this is the movie to watch.
4 1/2 out of 5 stars