Monday, May 23, 2016

Car Raid

Monique Zint, mother of two and happily married appears to have the perfect life. However, she struggles with something many of us struggle with daily.

"I get lost frequently and I don't really trust my GPS," Zint said. "Sometimes it takes me to the wrong spot so I like to have the maps and the GPS so I make sure I get to the right place."

Maps were found all over Zint's car. They were on the floor and stuffed in compartments.

"I don't throw them away usually because one, I forget about them, and two I go to the same places a lot so it is helpful to already have the map ready to go," Zint said.

Getting lost is something many people deal with and struggle with as they have no sense of direction.

"Once I was trying to get my daughter to cheer practice and I went the complete opposite direction," Zint said.

This problem can cause frustration and exasperation when driving for both the parent and the kid.

"It frustrates me so I always leave a little bit earlier so I usually end up getting places earlier than I need to," Zint said. "Then my kids complain that they have to sit around and do nothing. So I lose either way."

Unlike most, Zint prefers maps over GPS because it brings her closer to home.

"My dad taught me how to read maps," Zint said. "He would always pull out the atlas when we were going anywhere and show us how to get there using the atlas so we would know how to go."

Zint's dad was in the military so reading maps was a skill that he was able to pass down to his family and kids.

"I think everyone should know how to read maps because in this day and age everybody relies on their technological stuff but when you get up where your phone doesn't work anymore, you need to have a backup plan," Zint said.

Zint has tried to pass tis skill and many more to her kids as she thinks it is important in life and something that keeps them close to their grandfather.

"My dad also taught me to try really hard in everything, and that if you tried really hard that's all that mattered," Zint said. "I have tried to pass those morals and ideas onto my kids." Zint said.

Traditions and skills, such as reading maps, are something that are slowly going away due to advancing technology.

However some are still trying to keep those customs alive.

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