Friday, November 6, 2015

Current Events Quiz 3.1

1.Why does Travis County want to ban the Confederate flag from a parade to be held this month in Austin? Page A1 "Controversy erupts over..."
It is a symbol of racism and hatred that doesn't fly at city hall so it shouldn't be flown in the parade.

2. How did Julian Hernandez find out he was a victim of kidnapping by his father? Page A12 "Teen discovers..."

When he was applying to colleges there was a discrepancy in his social security number

3. Why does a group of kids have to climb a ladder to get to school? Page B2 "Young students' trek to school.."

Because some students live within a 2 mile radius of the school they are to walk but there are no sidewalks. The ladder is like a shortcut that creates a quicker route to school by climbing over a wall

4. Three-part question, make sure to answer all 3: What business is Whole Foods in? What business is Amplify Snacks in? What business is HomeAway in? BE SPECIFIC FROM THE READINGS. Page B6 top 3 stories on the page.

Wholes foods is in the food business. It is an Austin-based organic foods giant.
Amplify shacks is in the food business. They are the Austin-based maker of popcorn and tortilla chips for health conscious consumers.
HomeAway is in the online vacation rental industry. It is an Austin-based industry that is leading in this market but was just bought by Expedia.

5. What is Elena Donio trying to do with her life and how is she carrying her goals out? Page SA1 "Mentoring women in tech".

Elena Donio is trying to make technology more appealing to women. She mentors other women who want a career in technology, she mentors families, and sets an example for other women by being the president of a technology company.

This article is an editorial. It is a complex issue that one person is giving his opinions on. There is a timeliness to it because he uses recent occurrences and topics to prove his point. 
In this piece David Brooks was arguing that our lives are complex and full of materials and items but we need to simplify things. Simplifying our lives causes us to learn who we really are. Throughout the article he provides many points that prove his point. For example, when he talks about Henry David Thoreau saying that "when you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will become simpler." Furthermore, Marie Condo's book talks about tidying up your homes and lives, getting rid of things, and how al of that creates a more simplistic life. 
I think the article was termed "from the right" because it was on the right side of the paper and there was also an editorial on the left side so they had to specify. Furthermore, different people wrote in the column daily so if a reader was looking to read a specific author's piece, they would know when it was going to be in the paper and which side. 
Yes he did convince me of his point. He provided many examples about the simplistic movements and how they effect our lives on a daily basis. Furthermore, he explained how lives filled with things and complexity also effect us. He gave both viewpoints and did a good job of convincing me. 

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