Thursday, November 19, 2015

Feature Story Brainstorm

Main Subject: Alec Meyer
Supporting Interviews: Parents and Youth pastor
Topic: A mission trip to Uganda for two weeks/ first youth to go on this trip
Angle: How it felt to be the first one to get to go and how it impacted Alec's life
-First-hand experience
1. How did this experience change you as a person?
2. What or who motivated you to go on the trip?
3. Why do you think you chose to go?
4. What were you expecting to happen in Uganda?
5. What really happened there?
6. What was the main goal of the church?
7. Why do you think that you were picked to go?
8. Where did you go, where did you stay?
9. What did you specifically as a teenager do?
10. What advice would you give to someone wanting to go on a mission trip?
11. How did those who went with you impact you?
12. How did the people living in Uganda impact you?
13. Who did you go with?
14. What were some really cool events that happened while you were there?
15. In what ways is Uganda similar and different from the U.S.?
16. Would you go back and why?
17. What thoughts went through your head on the way to Uganda?
18. What would you do if you were in charge of a mission trip? What kinds of things would you work towards in the country.
19. How did it feel when you came back home?
20. Anything else interesting or fun that you did?
21. In your opinion, how did Uganda change due to this mission trip?

Supporting Questions:
1. What were you thinking when you let your son go to Uganda?
2. How did this trip impact you personally?
3. What changes did you see in Alec when he came back?
4. Why do you think you let him go?
5. What did you think would happen in Uganda?
6. Did Alec's trip encourage the sponsoring of a child (Justine)?

1. Why did you suggest Alec to go to Uganda?
2. What changes did you see in him while he was there?
3. Was it beneficial to have a teenager there? Why or why not?
4. If you go again, would you take more youth?
5. How do you think Alec impacted the children in Uganda?
6. How did Uganda change due to this mission trip?

1. Uganda is in East Africa
2. Austin Ridge Bible church has a partnership with a church in Pader, Uganda
3. There is a child development project in the pader church that Austin Ridge is supporting
4. Pader, Uganda is suffering through times of poverty and religious persecutions 
5. My family is supporting a child from Uganda

When: Over Thanksgiving break
Where: I will interview Alec and my parents at my house and my pastor at youth group on sunday
How: I will record them speaking and take notes. Recording helps me hear the things that I missed when I was trying to take notes.

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