Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Student of the Month Lede

WHO: Cianna Chavez
WHAT: Won student of the month
WHEN: At lunch, May 28, 2015
WHERE: At James Bowie High School
WHY: She was popular, involved, and made great grades
HOW: The students and teachers all voted for her

On May 28 at James Bowie High School, freshman Cianna Chavez was voted by her teachers and peers to be student of the month due to her friendly personality and good grades.

"I think I won because I make good grades." student of the month Cianna Chavez said. "I have good relationships with all the people who voted, and i have a great personality."

Cianna is in yearbook, journalism, orchestra and 4 pre-ap classes. She has a lot on her plate along with academics.

"Cianna is a very involved student but still makes great grades," Principal Montgomery said. "She works hard in all of her classes and this was key in her winning."

Cianna's ability to balance between school and extracurricular activities played a major role in her winning this award.

"I try to level out my assignments and hobbies," Cianna Chavez said. "I split my time evenly between school and extracurricular actives but school is always my first priority."

The student of the month was announced over the intercom for the whole school to hear.

"I expected to win because before they announced who won, they had already told me," freshman Cianna Chavez said. "Winning made me feel proud and accomplished."

Cianna was motivated to win by her science teacher who really encouraged her to work hard throughout the year.

"I told Cianna just to do her best in all her classes and be honest and respectable," ninth grade science teacher Jill Ferak said. "I knew that she could do it and I just kept encouraging her."

Furthermore, Cianna's parents were very proud of their daughter for winning this award.

"We are very proud of our little girl," Cianna's father James Chavez said. "Her grades reflect that she deserves this award and many teachers and parents have told us great things about Cianna."

Cianna's teacher's and parents may be very proud but her friends may have a different view.

"I think that she is a really nice friend but after she won that award I think she became a little to confident in herself," best friend Geore Durge said.

This new perception of Cianna may be due to all of the special treatments she receives from winning student of the month.

"I get to walk around with no shoes on and teachers let me do what i want," Cianna Chavez said. "Furthermore, I get to go off campus for lunch for one whole month."

However, Cianna's teachers think that these special treatments are just part of winning.

"Of course I give her special treatments, she deserves it," ninth grade science teacher Jill Ferak said. "If other students find this unfair then they should work harder and do their best so they can win."

Whatever the case may be, Cianna worked hard to win this title and has advice for those trying to win this award.

"I would tell others to work hard and be charming because teachers love that," Cianna Chavez said. "Also good grades are very important and just try to be like me."


Additional Student of the Month Interviews

Science Teacher:
(Ms. Ferak)
1. How do you feel about this Cianna winning?
-I am very proud of her. I knew that she could do it and I just kept encouraging her.
2. What advice did you specifically give her?
-I told her to just do her best in all her classes and to be honest and respectable. This way teachers and students will like her as much as I do.
3. Do you give Cianna any special treatments?
-Of course I do, I mean she definitely deserves it. She worked hard to win this title and deserves unlimited trips to the bathroom and doesn't have to sit an assigned seats.
4. Do you think that the other students find this treatment unfair?
-If they do then they should just know that they need to work harder and do their best so they can win. A few might be jealous but that is their problem.
5. What personality traits does Cianna have?
-Cianna is a very honest, kind, and outgoing person. She is not afraid to say what she thinks and works hard to achieve all of her goals.
6. What was your initial reaction to hearing that Cianna had won?
-I was overjoyed. I knew that she had it in her and even though her friends may be jealous, Cianna completely deserves this wonderful award.
7. How does Cianna do in your science class?
-She always makes a 100. She turns all her work in on time and is a great role model. Sience is definitely her best subject.

Best Friend:
1. What is your name and how do you spell it?
-George Dugre
2. What is your opinion of Cianna?
-I think she is really nice and friendly but after she won that award I think she became a little over confident in herself and got a little cocky.
3. In your opinion, do you think that Cianna should have won the award? Why or why not?
-I do not think she should have won the award. Cianna did work hard but I think that because of her warm personality a lot of people voted for her because they wanted to be her friends. 
4. How do you feel towards Cianna now that she has won?
-I am kind of jealous that she won because I think that I worked just as hard but at the same time I am happy for her and I know that she and her parents are very proud.

(Mr. Montgomery)
1. How does the voting and announcing of the student of the month work?
- First teachers get together and nominate 10 students that they think deserve it. Then all teachers and all students get one vote for one of the nominees. When all the votes are in, the winner is chosen and announced over the intercom during the students lunch period.
2. Do you think that Cianna was a good choice for the winer? Why or why not?
-I do believe that Cianna was a very good choice. Cianna is a very involved student but still makes great grades. She works hard in all of her classes and this was key in her winning.

Cianna's Parents:
(James Chavez and Reanna Chavez)
1. How do you feel about your daughter?
-We are very proud of her. Her grades reflect that she deserves this award and many teachers and parents of told me great things about our baby girl.
2. Why do you think that some of her friends don't think she should have won?
-I can't honestly answer this because I don't know what they are thinking but I'm sure they felt that they should have won which is completely understandable. We just hope that winning this doesn't affect our daughters relationships. 

Inverted Pyramid

Friday, September 25, 2015

Top Stories of the Century


In 1978, for the first time ever, a baby was conceived  in a laboratory dish and when born, Louise Brown was classified as "perfectly healthy". Now over 100 women have become pregnant with what scientists call a "test tube baby". This procedure is for women whose fallopian tubes can't carry the egg all the way to the uterus. 

I find this to be one of the most interesting stories because I think that whoever thought of this was nuts. I find it intriguing that anyone would want to make a baby from a lab dish. I do not think that anyone should have a "test tube baby". There are plenty of kids already in this world that need a home and we don't need to create anymore, especially out of a petri dish. So again, I think this is a top story because this was a major break for scientists, but something that I don't think should be happening. 


In 1927, Babe Ruth hit his 60th home run in Yankee Stadium against Washington making it a world record. He was going up against a left handed pitcher who he had only ever hit 2 homers off of. He had 59 homers and in the last inning of the last game of the season, he hit his 60th homer.

This is one of my top stories because first of all, he set a world record that wasn't broken for 34 years. That's a really long time. Also, I play softball so any baseball or even sports story is interesting to me. Furthermore, in the 1900's sports was one of the largest types of entertainment so everyone knew about Babe Ruth. Babe Ruth was considered a legend and is still well remembered to this day. 


In 1997, the Pathfinder lands on mars and sends back astonishing photos. The pathfinder was sent out in 1996 and a year later was on Mars. The lander sent more than 2.3 billion bits of information including 16,500 pictures and made 8.5 million measurements.

This is one of my top events because this was a really big accomplishment. The rover sent back amazing photos and data that helped further scientists understanding of Mars. I think it would be so cool if one day we had to go live on Mars and that is one reason this is such an interesting and amazing story. This accomplishment gave hope to so many people and motivated scientists to keep working on a way to get to and live on Mars. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Current Events Quiz 1.4

. How many days and what cities will the Pope visit here in the United States? Page A1 "Pope greeted by Obama..."
-He will visit for 6 days in St. Andrews Air force Base in Maryland, the white house in Washington D.C. and Philadelphia.

2. What are the terms of the occupancy limits the Austin city council just approved? Page B3 "Party's over..."
-No more than 6 people outside and no gatherings outside after 10pm
-No more than 10 guests total
-No more than two people per bedroom, plus two
-No more than 6 unrelated guests

3. What did Volkswagen alter in its cars that has been discovered and will cost them billions of dollars to fix? Page B7 "'I am endlessly sorry..."

-The cars contain software that evades emission controls

4. Who did the Dallas Cowboys sign as a back-up quarterback in the wake of Tony Romo's shoulder injury? Page C1 "NFL Cowboys"

-Matt Cassel

5. What are the two central Texas companies who have said that they might not expand their business if tough new emission rules are passed? Page A1 "Clean air rules may be costly.."

-Chip Fabrication Samsung and cement manufacturer Texas Lehigh

      Ten school students decided that they wanted a voice in the school's finance scheme so they spent their summer researching and writing legal documents about how more money towards schools could benefit every student. The court accepted the briefs but many were saying that too much money is already being spent on schools. The students fought back with personal stories and improvements that can only be made with more money. The court finally decided that schools need more money to obtain adequate educations but nothing happened so the students continued fighting for more education funds. 
       I highly admire the students bravery and willingness to stand up and fight for something they believe in. I think we could all learn from this because most of us are to scared to fight for things that are important to us. Furthermore, these students took the time to do all of this work to fight for this cause. They took their free time and worked hard for something they believed in. I find this very admirable.
       I think their efforts will mean a lot. This form of "protest" could inspire other students to do the same which down the road may lead to higher education funds. Once one person stands up, others follow. 
       I learned that the state finance system for public education is not very good. They feel as though school's already have enough money and don't think from a student's perspective. Furthermore, they raise the academic standards in schools but don't provide the school's with enough tools to adequately reach these high standards.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Student of the month interview

-The Student of the month
-Fellow students
-I interviewed Cianna Chavez

1. What is your name and how do you spell it?
-Cianna Chavez
2. How did it feel winning Student of the month?
-I expected it. It was not a big shock because before they announced who won they had already told me
3. Why do you think you won?
-I think I won because I make good grades, I have good relationships with all the people who voted, and I have a great personality
4. What grade are you in?
-9th grade
5. What do you like about school?
-I like seeing my friends everyday and that I have such great teachers who help me learn so much.
6. What extra curricular activities are you in?
-I'm in yearbook, journalism, and orchestra
7. What did you enjoy most about this achievement?
-I really enjoyed the special treatment I got from winning and to know that I was awesome enough to win
8. What did you do throughout the year that enabled you to win this title?
-I was first chair in orchestra, i made really great grades, and of course everyone loved me
9. What benefits come out of being Student of the Month?
-The special treatment I get from winning is great. I get to walk around with no shoes, the teachers don't care if I eat or drink in their classes, and I get to go off campus for lunch for 1 month
10. What are some negatives to winning this title?
-All of my friends look at me differently, as if I am a showoff or like I'm too good for them.
11. How many pre-ap classes are you taking?
-I'm taking all 4 pre-ap classes
12. What are your grades like?
-My grades are great. I make all high 90's or 100's
13. How are you being treated?
-My teachers love me, my friends and other students hate me but I'm okay with that because I won.
14. How do you think your friends feel about you winning?
-My friends are very jealous of me winning this award but they are also happy for me. I tell them that they are going to win next time.
15. What/who inspired you to work hard and win this title?
-My science teacher inspired me to work hard and win this title because she felt I had what it took and she didn't want my skills and talents to go to waste.
16. What was your initial reaction to hearing that you won?
-I was excited to hear that I had won but I knew before they announced it because they told me. Winning made me feel proud and accomplished.
17. How do you manage to keep all of your assignments and hobbies straight?
-I try to level it out and split my time evenly between school and extracurricular activities. But assignments are always number 1 priority.
18. What other awards have you won?
-I have won student of the year and the awesomest orchestra person award
19. How do you think your parents feel about this big accomplishment?
-My parents are very supportive and wanted me to win.
-When I told my mom she was yelling through the phone and was very happy for me.
20. What advice do you have for those trying to win student of the year?
-I would tell others to work hard and be charming because teachers love that. Also good grades are very important. Also, you should try to just be like me.

*All questions can be changed depending on who you are asking

School Uniforms

-Principal of the school
-Superintendent of the school district
-The School Board

1. What is your name?
2. What is the rationale behind this new policy?
3. What prompted the idea of school uniforms in this district?
4. How are you going to enforce the dress code?
5. How do you personally feel about dress codes?
6. How do you think your students are going to feel about this new policy?
7. What are you going to do when students don't follow this dress code?
8. What exactly is the dress code?
9. Who first introduced the idea of having a dress code?
10. Why do you think the dress code at this school is important?
11. What problems do you think dress code will solve?
12. What problems do you think a dress code will create?
13. How would you feel as a student having to follow dress code?
14. Where and when was the decision to have a dress code confirmed?
15. Why did you decide this year to have a dress code?
16. What problems do you think you will face with students over dress code?
17. Was the vote for dress code unanimous?
18. How have students reacted so far to this decision? Do they know yet?
19. Will there be any exceptions for students? If so, what will they be?
20. How do you think having a dress code will personally impact you, your school district, and your school?

*All questions can be changed depending on who you are asking

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Current Events Quiz 1.3

1. Where was the Republican party presidential debate held yesterday evening? Page A1 "GOP hopefuls, Round 2"
-The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum in Simi Valley, California

2. What is the major concern that apartment complex owners (the Bernhards) have about the proposed Megabus terminal that may be built across the street from their building? Page B1 "Likely neighbor fights..."

- The operating hours, 6am to midnight.

3. Why does Uber want to expand into East Austin? Page B7 "Wanted: 5,000 East..."

-One in three of the deliveries are in East Austin so Uber wants to meet the growing demand.

4. What are the 5 things that the new Athletic Director at the University of Texas, according the  information on page D1 "Defining Interim"

- Say thank you, keep the trains moving, finish the nike deal,  Make it right with the Texas ex's, and Bring the focus back to the coaches.

5. What is so unique about two new sculptures on the 1st Street Bridge? "Page D1 "Rain Dance"

-The sculptures come alive at night. They change shape and read the rain levels in the area.

I think that this story shows how suspicious and how much lack of trust Americans have. A 14 year old boy brought a homemade clock to school and right away, school officials rule it as a bomb. This is a kid who loves science and just wanted to show off his skills and all of a sudden he's being charged and arrested. 
       I do not believe that he was singled out because of his color but rather because America doesn't think they can trust anyone. Americans think they they know everything and low rift from wrong, but really everyone has poor judgement and their assumptions are wrong. Now his race might have played a tiny bit into the quick decision that it was a bomb but overall I think the teachers would have done the same no matter the race or color. 
     I don't think anything should happen to the school officials because everyone in America is guilty of this. For whatever reasons we always assume what something is and don't trust anyone else.  This mistake just happened to be with a boy of muslim faith and was spread publicly. But I don't think anyone can say that they have never assumed something and been wrong. 

     I do think that he should somehow be compensated because for a 14 year old boy to experience this is very traumatic but he needs to understand that everyone makes mistakes, some are just bigger than others. Overall, I think this story just shows that Americans need to be more trustworthy and slower to judge/make assumptions.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Headlines, Links, and Photos

Austin's favorite SoCo pizza joint finally expanding to hot new location

Man charged in plot to use pressure cooker bomb at 9/11 memorial in Missouri

Donald Trump announces he now owns all of Miss Universe Organization

What stylus-lovers need to know about Apple Pencil and iPad Pro

'SNL's Pete Davidson honors firefighter father killed on 9/11

NFL Week 1: Latest News and Predictions Surrounding Top Matchups

NASA just released the clearest ever picture of Nix, Pluto’s tiny moon

3-month-old South Dakota twins battling same type of cancer

Ronda Rousey on embracing her celebrity status, dealing with paparazzi and her A-list crush

Current Events Quiz 1.2

1. How much money could a typical homeowner save next year in taxes under the $3.5 billion budget just passed by the Austin City Council for a median-valued home? Page A1 "Austin council approves..."
-Typical Homeowners could save $14 on utilities but it could get all the way up to $60.

2. What are two similarities between a new group of human-like creatures recently discovered to today's human, according to the article on page A3 "Study: bones reveal...:

-The hands and feet are similar and they walked upright.

3. What do you think about Ben Loconte's plan to swim across the Pacific Ocean? Page A17 "The Watercooler" bottom right corner of the page.

-I think that it is for a great cause.  The oceans are in really bad shape and Cancer is still killing many people and we need the money for a cure.

4. What are two new things available on the iPhone 6s and 6s+? Page B6 "What's inside matters..."

-3D touch and a mimic flash on your selfies.

5. Which of the 10 items "Back to the Future" predicted would be around in 2015 would you like to own" Page SA2 Tech Extra "10 things..." AND which gadget do you think is the coolest on the next page SA3 Tech Extra "Must have..."

-I would like to own a flying car. 
-Personally, I think the sing along in the shower curtain is definitely the coolest gadget. 

I do not think that this person should have gotten any money over this case. When an officer tells you to "put your hands up" you need to do it. If people would just not resist and take the consequences for their actions, excessive force would not be required. The people who later sue police officers do not deserve any money unless they didn't resist at all and the officer still used excessive force. I know that sometimes officers do use excessive force when the victim goes peacefully but most of the time, the per on resists. So whether they have a criminal record or not I don't think police officers should be sued for taking down a resisting criminal or suspect for that matter. Now if a person is killed then things are a little different. I think that if someone is not killed, less than $15,000 because the police officer should not have to use force if you go without resisting. Now if someone or a family is killed, then I think the police officer took the force too far. I think they should be entitled to around $65-80,000. It still isn't that much because the police officers are making impulse actions and are just trying to do their job. Now I know if my family was killed I would be very, very angry but I would have to remember that first of all, whoever was hurt was a suspect or a criminal and secondly that the police officer has a duty t take that person into custody. 
I think these shootings are happening a lot in our society because people are resisting. They don't want to go to jail so they try to escape and it is the cops job to take them in so they do whatever they have to to arrest them.

Friday, September 4, 2015

News Ethics

The Media's Foul Ball

In 2003, the cubs were in the run for the world series. A foul ball was hit and a fan reached out to try to get the ball. He ended up tipping it causing the left fielder to miss the ball and therefore resulting in a loss for the cubs. Fans were very angry and his identity was kept a secret until videos were replied on television and now he was very recognizable.

In my opinion this is an invasion of this man's privacy. It was unethical of the media to replay this video because some fans were very angry and this mistake from the media could potentially lead to harm of this "hapless man". Making it to the world series is a big thing and series cubs fans take these things very personally. The media did not get permission to release these videos and therefore his privacy and identity was invaded.

Using the "Holocaust" Metaphor

An animal rights group, PETA has a new campaign. It says "Holocaust on your plate." This campaign was funded for by a jew but that does not lessen the anger of many other jews. Graphic images and cruel words are being shown in a couple of exhibits. PETA has been sued for this campaign by the central council of jews in Germany. PETA is fighting for their right to continue displaying this campaign.

I do not think this is ethically acceptable. Six million human beings were slaughtered and PETA is comparing them to animals. Those whom were killed in the Holocaust have no right to be put down in this manner. People have a right to believe that we shouldn't kill animals but at least we kill them for a reason, so that we can eat. Those six million that died were killed because someone didm;t like them. It is completely and in all ways wrong to compare the Holocaust to the killing and eating of animals.

Aaarhg! Pirates! (and the press)

The Ting Tings' are a famous pop-rock band. Right before they were about to release their new album, all 10 songs were leaked online. Apparently, it is a common occurrence in the music for the songs to be leaked and record producers are not helping this case. Producers like the Rolling Stones and Billboard include links to leaked music causing people to not buy the albums or the songs of these artists.

I do not think that this is ethical. These artists have worked hard to produce/make good music for people to listen to. This is their lives and when their songs are leaked, they don't make money. These musicians don't have other jobs and this is their life. These billboards are aiding in the helping the internet community find this music and that is not right. 

News Values

This article was posted an hour ago therefore it is a new fact to the audience.

Bush to start airing TV ads in New Hampshire
The Jeb Bush presidential campaign hits the television airwaves for the first time next week via a $500,000 ad buy targeting new New Hampshire.
“This is the first step in a multi-week process where we will be expanding our advertising in New Hampshire and the other early states,” the Bush campaign said in a statement.
The New Hampshire primary in February is considered a crucial contest for Bush, who has been slipping in many recent polls behind the front-running Donald Trump.
An initial set of ads will run Sept. 9-29, starting with one stressing Bush’s record as Florida governor “and his plan to change the culture in Washington,” the campaign said.
The statement added: “This initial $500,000 buy will include Boston broadcast television, WMUR and statewide cable in the Granite State and run from 9/9 to 9/29, with 15 percent of the initial placement dedicated for targeted online advertising.”

We live in austin Texas and this event is happening at UT which is in Austin. We are close to the event that is occurring.  

After rough 2014, Swoopes still starting QB at Texas
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Tyrone Swoopes was his usual quiet, understated self.
Speaking softly with a group of reporters the day he was announced as Texas' starting quarterback against No. 11 Notre Dame, Swoopes deflected a chance to puff out his chest and had to be goaded into reluctantly declaring — kind of — that the 2015 Longhorns are "his team."
"Everybody looks to the starting quarterback" to be the leader, Swoopes said. "But that wasn't my focus, which was to be the best I can be."
Swoopes talked about wanting to improve, staying within himself and making sure to "do my part."
He sounded a lot like the 2014 Swoopes, which is exactly what the Longhorns don't want on the field.
Thrust into the starting role before he was ready, Swoopes struggled all season in 2014. The worst came at the end in blowout losses to TCU and Arkansas.
That prompted coach Charlie Strong to open the starting job to competition with redshirt freshman Jerrod Heard. Strong also talked about changing the offense to a spread attack, which seemed to play right into the mobile Heard's strengths as a runner.
All signs pointed to Heard getting a shot to unseat Swoopes as the starter.
But by the end of spring, Swoopes still had the lead on the position. By summer, Strong was telegraphing that Swoopes was his No. 1 and made it official on Monday.
Swoopes was nonchalant about winning the biggest battle of training camp, even though it didn't appear to be much of a fight. He said he seldom thought about the daily competition.
"I wanted to get better and compete with myself. The coaches and everybody have seen the work I put in," Swoopes said.
The question is whether he made a great leap forward or if Heard failed to capitalize on an opportunity. And did Strong and offensive coordinators Shawn Watson and Joe Wickline really embrace the spread?
Swoopes made it sound like the Texas offense will look a lot like the ground-and-pound attack of last season when Texas went 6-7.
"We're doing a lot of the same stuff, we're just doing it faster," Swoopes said.
The Longhorns' 2014 offense was among the worst in the Big 12, averaging just 21.4 points. Swoopes played a big part in that dubious distinction, throwing 11 interceptions against 13 touchdowns and coughing up some costly fumbles. It came to a head with his five turnovers against TCU. In the bowl game against Arkansas, Texas managed just 59 total yards.
Swoopes took the blame from fans for most of it. He was neither the runner the fans wanted to the passer the Longhorns needed.
"Last year wasn't the year anybody wanted," Swoopes said.
But he also had his defenders. Watson, his position coach, nearly came to tears when describing how hard Swoopes worked in the offseason. And his teammates describe a new quarterback in the huddle, even if his public persona appears the same.
"We're all rallying around him. That guy has done a complete 180, and for the better," senior running back Jonathan Gray said.
Swoopes faces some of the same challenges he did last year. Texas will start two freshmen offensive lineman. He's got to find a new go-to receiver. And he'll have to find any tendency to look over his shoulder for Heard.
Strong said Heard will play against Notre Dame, suggesting the Longhorns have drawn up specific plays or situations for him.
But Swoopes will get the start. The Longhorns will be his team when they take the field against the Fighting Irish.
"I've said the guy that wins the quarterback position has to win over the team," Strong said. "And he's won over the team. It's going to be fun to watch him."
This student/individual was the first to do something and so is now being recognized for her newsworthy accomplishment.

Columbia student becomes first woman to free climb "murder wall" in Swiss Alps
 Pick your classes. Stock up on study snacks. Buy a shower caddy. These are just a few things the average college student might do the week before the semester begins.
But if you’re Sasha DiGiulian, you’re gearing up for the school year by setting some serious records.
On Aug 29, the 22-year-old professional rock climber became the first woman to free climb the perilous Magic Mushroom route up the North Face of the Eiger in the Swiss Alps. She and her climbing partner, Carlo Traversi, were the first American team to make the ascent. Known as the “murder wall,” the climb is one of the most difficult in the Swiss Alps — and DiGiulian respects that.
“There were definitely points on the climb where I would feel almost paralyzed by fear,” she says. “It hit me in waves, realizing the extent of the danger that the Eiger actually has to climbing it.”
Although she and Traversi arrived in Switzerland Aug 1, they didn’t summit until the Aug. 29, largely due to inclement weather conditions. Storms can roll in unexpectedly on the Eiger, she says, which increases the danger of rock fall.
“And when they’re large chunks of rock, no helmet is going to protect you,” DiGiulian says.
In addition to the threats of dangerous weather and falling rocks, DiGiulian says she also had to overcome the pure physical exhaustion that comes along with a challenge like the Eiger.

This event could cause the audience to worry about an attack, or a spy mission that China could be planning. This has a negative effect on the audience.

Chinese ships pass through U.S. territorial waters off Alaska
 WASHINGTON — The five Chinese naval ships that sailed off the coast of Alaska and through U.S. territorial waters this week have left the area and moved into open waters in the Pacific, the Pentagon said Friday.
The Chinese ships did not pose a threat and operated within international norms when passing through U.S. territorial waters, the Pentagon said. Territorial waters extend 12 miles from the coast.
“This was a legal transit of U.S. territorial waters in accordance with the law of the sea conventions,” said Cmdr. Bill Urban, a Pentagon spokesman.
It was the first time the United States has seen Chinese naval ships in the Bering Sea, said Mark Toner, a State Department spokesman. The passage coincided with President Obama's historic trip to Alaska this week.
The ships' passage came as China's naval activity in the Pacific has unnerved a number of U.S. allies in the region, including Vietnam and the Philippines.
The Chinese ships were participating in an exercise with Russia and headed into the Pacific after passing through the Aleutian Islands, which extend south from Alaska into the Bering Sea.

Two opposing forces, a county clerk and a couple were fighting about gay marriage rights and there was a dispute. (physical and emotional)

With Ky. clerk in jail, gay couples receive marriage licenses

MOREHEAD, Ky. — Same-sex couples began receiving marriage licenses Friday in Rowan County, Ky., a day after the county clerk was sent to jail for refusing to issue the licenses.
At least three couples received licenses Friday.
William Smith and James Yates were the first same-sex couple to obtain a license from Deputy Clerk Brian Mason on Friday morning.
Yates and Smith had an emotional embrace at the counter as soon as the clerk handed them a license. They shared the same a few moments later with Yates' parents outside, where supporters chanted "love has won."
The couple said they were elated and overwhelmed to obtain their license, a day after Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis was jailed for refusing to issue marriage licenses after the Supreme Court order allowing gay marriage.
Yates said no one wanted Davis in jail, they just wanted her to provide the paperwork, and the couple didn't expect to be first in line Friday.
"This means, at least for this area, that civil rights are civil rights," he said. "We're very happy."
A second couple, Tim Long and Michael Long, also received a marriage license Friday.
The Longs said they had a commitment ceremony in 2008, and Michael Long had his name changed. But they wanted to be legally married in their home county, and after being denied once, they held up their license to reporters before heading back to work.
"We feel like we are accepted, like everyone else," Tim Long said, calling the day "very significant" for equal rights.
Smith said the process has been frustrating and upsetting.
It was the sixth time that Yates and Smith had sought a license. Yates said they already have two dates in mind for a wedding at a family home.
Rowan County issued a little more than 200 marriage licenses last year, roughly two every three workdays.
Tim Long, 51, said he is torn over Davis and feels sorry that she is in jail, "but she done it to herself." He said it's sad that couples have to battle so much spite to get basic rights.
For April Miller and Karen Roberts, another couple who received a marriage license in Rowan County, they understood the enormity of the moment.
"We know this is bigger than just us," said Miller in an interview. "We have a handful of clerks around the country who are not listening to what the law is."
Miller, a 54-year-old Morehead State University education professor and Roberts, a teacher, said they'd been together 11 years before joining the lawsuit to force Davis to issue the license.
Signing the forms as cameras clicked, Miller said, "Oh my gosh, I'm so excited." Miller said they plan to marry in a small ceremony.
They said they did not view themselves as heroes and were not feeling triumphant over Davis, who was jailed Thursday.
"We should have been able to get this the first day we walked in," Miller said. "This is about the rights of everyone."
Earlier Friday, Davis' husband, Joe, said she was in good spirits and is prepared to remain in jail for months.
Outside the Rowan County CourthouseJoe Davis called U.S. District Judge David Bunning a bully for jailing his wife Thursday for contempt of court.
"She won't resign I promise you," he said. "Until something gives, she'll be there."
Media outlets from across the country had descended on the courthouse early, surrounding Yates and Smith with cameras and questions. The couple was clearly feeling smothered as they tried to hurry out of the spotlight.

Human Interest:
This is drama happening in todays world. It surrounds everyone living in America and is always on the news.

 Is this how Miranda Lambert feels about love after splitting from Blake Shelton?
 The newly single Miranda Lambert seemed to lighten up after her split from Blake Shelton in July, but this recent Instagram post is pretty heavy.
The Smokin’ and Drinkin’ singer posted this pic on Thursday after being touched by some New York City street art that says, “Protect yo heart.” And she captioned the pic:
“I don’t normally lay on the sidewalk in NYC….Words move me….words make me move.”
In the photo, there is an emphasis on the word “Art” so Lambert might’ve been thinking about her music, but we wouldn’t be surprised if the singer felt guarded after her decade-long relationship  just ended.

People are attracted to a loose tiger running around a neighborhood. This is a strange event and not very important. Therefore it is an unusual event that people are attracted to.

Abandoned tiger cub found wandering around Calif. neighborhood

An abandoned tiger cub was found wandering the streets of a California neighborhood on Thursday.
The three-month old male was turned into the Ramona Humane Society in San Jacinto, Calif., by a woman who said she found the cub wandering through her Hemet, Calif., neighborhood.
The shelter posted a video of the cub drinking water on Facebook. The group said, "as an open admission shelter we [accept] all animals including this tiger found in our community."
Department of Fish and Wildlife later transferred the cub 70 miles to an exotic animal sanctuary in Phelan, a little over an hour from Los Angeles. The cub is suffering from a hernia and was declawed, according to Joel Almquist, the owner of Forever Wild Exotic Animal Sanctuary, where the cub is now staying. Almquist said when large cats are declawed the procedure involves cutting through bones, tendon and nerves.
"Declawing does a lot of damage to cats," Almquist told USA TODAY Network. He said the sanctuary plans on working with a reconstructive surgeon to ensure the cub does not have chronic pain.
"They can't put claws back in but at least their feet work again, and they are not in pain," he said.
In California, a person must have a special permit to own a tiger, according to Almquist. He said tigers that are bred in captivity are typically not full-blooded Siberian or Bengal tigers, so many times zoos won't take the animals.
"Zoos won't take tigers if they don't know the bloodline, so he will be living his life in a sanctuary," He said, adding, "hopefully here."
He said the cub will stay at the sanctuary while wildlife officials conduct an investigation