Friday, September 25, 2015

Top Stories of the Century


In 1978, for the first time ever, a baby was conceived  in a laboratory dish and when born, Louise Brown was classified as "perfectly healthy". Now over 100 women have become pregnant with what scientists call a "test tube baby". This procedure is for women whose fallopian tubes can't carry the egg all the way to the uterus. 

I find this to be one of the most interesting stories because I think that whoever thought of this was nuts. I find it intriguing that anyone would want to make a baby from a lab dish. I do not think that anyone should have a "test tube baby". There are plenty of kids already in this world that need a home and we don't need to create anymore, especially out of a petri dish. So again, I think this is a top story because this was a major break for scientists, but something that I don't think should be happening. 


In 1927, Babe Ruth hit his 60th home run in Yankee Stadium against Washington making it a world record. He was going up against a left handed pitcher who he had only ever hit 2 homers off of. He had 59 homers and in the last inning of the last game of the season, he hit his 60th homer.

This is one of my top stories because first of all, he set a world record that wasn't broken for 34 years. That's a really long time. Also, I play softball so any baseball or even sports story is interesting to me. Furthermore, in the 1900's sports was one of the largest types of entertainment so everyone knew about Babe Ruth. Babe Ruth was considered a legend and is still well remembered to this day. 


In 1997, the Pathfinder lands on mars and sends back astonishing photos. The pathfinder was sent out in 1996 and a year later was on Mars. The lander sent more than 2.3 billion bits of information including 16,500 pictures and made 8.5 million measurements.

This is one of my top events because this was a really big accomplishment. The rover sent back amazing photos and data that helped further scientists understanding of Mars. I think it would be so cool if one day we had to go live on Mars and that is one reason this is such an interesting and amazing story. This accomplishment gave hope to so many people and motivated scientists to keep working on a way to get to and live on Mars. 

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