Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Additional Student of the Month Interviews

Science Teacher:
(Ms. Ferak)
1. How do you feel about this Cianna winning?
-I am very proud of her. I knew that she could do it and I just kept encouraging her.
2. What advice did you specifically give her?
-I told her to just do her best in all her classes and to be honest and respectable. This way teachers and students will like her as much as I do.
3. Do you give Cianna any special treatments?
-Of course I do, I mean she definitely deserves it. She worked hard to win this title and deserves unlimited trips to the bathroom and doesn't have to sit an assigned seats.
4. Do you think that the other students find this treatment unfair?
-If they do then they should just know that they need to work harder and do their best so they can win. A few might be jealous but that is their problem.
5. What personality traits does Cianna have?
-Cianna is a very honest, kind, and outgoing person. She is not afraid to say what she thinks and works hard to achieve all of her goals.
6. What was your initial reaction to hearing that Cianna had won?
-I was overjoyed. I knew that she had it in her and even though her friends may be jealous, Cianna completely deserves this wonderful award.
7. How does Cianna do in your science class?
-She always makes a 100. She turns all her work in on time and is a great role model. Sience is definitely her best subject.

Best Friend:
1. What is your name and how do you spell it?
-George Dugre
2. What is your opinion of Cianna?
-I think she is really nice and friendly but after she won that award I think she became a little over confident in herself and got a little cocky.
3. In your opinion, do you think that Cianna should have won the award? Why or why not?
-I do not think she should have won the award. Cianna did work hard but I think that because of her warm personality a lot of people voted for her because they wanted to be her friends. 
4. How do you feel towards Cianna now that she has won?
-I am kind of jealous that she won because I think that I worked just as hard but at the same time I am happy for her and I know that she and her parents are very proud.

(Mr. Montgomery)
1. How does the voting and announcing of the student of the month work?
- First teachers get together and nominate 10 students that they think deserve it. Then all teachers and all students get one vote for one of the nominees. When all the votes are in, the winner is chosen and announced over the intercom during the students lunch period.
2. Do you think that Cianna was a good choice for the winer? Why or why not?
-I do believe that Cianna was a very good choice. Cianna is a very involved student but still makes great grades. She works hard in all of her classes and this was key in her winning.

Cianna's Parents:
(James Chavez and Reanna Chavez)
1. How do you feel about your daughter?
-We are very proud of her. Her grades reflect that she deserves this award and many teachers and parents of told me great things about our baby girl.
2. Why do you think that some of her friends don't think she should have won?
-I can't honestly answer this because I don't know what they are thinking but I'm sure they felt that they should have won which is completely understandable. We just hope that winning this doesn't affect our daughters relationships. 

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