Monday, September 21, 2015

Student of the month interview

-The Student of the month
-Fellow students
-I interviewed Cianna Chavez

1. What is your name and how do you spell it?
-Cianna Chavez
2. How did it feel winning Student of the month?
-I expected it. It was not a big shock because before they announced who won they had already told me
3. Why do you think you won?
-I think I won because I make good grades, I have good relationships with all the people who voted, and I have a great personality
4. What grade are you in?
-9th grade
5. What do you like about school?
-I like seeing my friends everyday and that I have such great teachers who help me learn so much.
6. What extra curricular activities are you in?
-I'm in yearbook, journalism, and orchestra
7. What did you enjoy most about this achievement?
-I really enjoyed the special treatment I got from winning and to know that I was awesome enough to win
8. What did you do throughout the year that enabled you to win this title?
-I was first chair in orchestra, i made really great grades, and of course everyone loved me
9. What benefits come out of being Student of the Month?
-The special treatment I get from winning is great. I get to walk around with no shoes, the teachers don't care if I eat or drink in their classes, and I get to go off campus for lunch for 1 month
10. What are some negatives to winning this title?
-All of my friends look at me differently, as if I am a showoff or like I'm too good for them.
11. How many pre-ap classes are you taking?
-I'm taking all 4 pre-ap classes
12. What are your grades like?
-My grades are great. I make all high 90's or 100's
13. How are you being treated?
-My teachers love me, my friends and other students hate me but I'm okay with that because I won.
14. How do you think your friends feel about you winning?
-My friends are very jealous of me winning this award but they are also happy for me. I tell them that they are going to win next time.
15. What/who inspired you to work hard and win this title?
-My science teacher inspired me to work hard and win this title because she felt I had what it took and she didn't want my skills and talents to go to waste.
16. What was your initial reaction to hearing that you won?
-I was excited to hear that I had won but I knew before they announced it because they told me. Winning made me feel proud and accomplished.
17. How do you manage to keep all of your assignments and hobbies straight?
-I try to level it out and split my time evenly between school and extracurricular activities. But assignments are always number 1 priority.
18. What other awards have you won?
-I have won student of the year and the awesomest orchestra person award
19. How do you think your parents feel about this big accomplishment?
-My parents are very supportive and wanted me to win.
-When I told my mom she was yelling through the phone and was very happy for me.
20. What advice do you have for those trying to win student of the year?
-I would tell others to work hard and be charming because teachers love that. Also good grades are very important. Also, you should try to just be like me.

*All questions can be changed depending on who you are asking

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