Friday, January 29, 2016

Free Write

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one...  we watched as the rocket shot off into the air as if it was on fire, which it was. Within 20 seconds, the ship was no longer visible.

What do  I do!? What do I do!? All these buttons blinking! I don't know what to do! If you couldn't tell, it was my first time flying in space, alone, in space... O God! What kind of space station sends one person up in a rocket by themselves? But I had to clear my mind, I had one mission to accomplish, and that was to grab some rocks from the moon... I think. I'm not the most intelligent person. Anyways, I was on my way to the moon!

After pressing a few random buttons I think I was going in the right direction, I'm directionally challenged. From what I was told, I wasn't supposed to leave the rocket, I had to be patient, and I had to... oh I don't remember the last one. It wasn't important anyways.

As I kept floating forward, I noticed something glowing white near the back of the ship. I became highly suspicious, since I didn't really understand much about this mission, and slowly crept over to it. You will never guess what it was... I mean never! It was a fridge! A shiny, awesome, clean, gift from god, white fridge full of of.... dried crap! What is this? They give me food with the life sucked out of it? Food that looks as if it has been thrown into jail and left for dead? Then I realized that I got distracted. Darn food.. it always gets me.. but I was on a mission!

As I raced back to the dashboard, the whole space ship rocked to the side and I heard a loud thud. However, I payed no attention but I probably should have. Ooh! That's foreshadowing! I learned that a few years ago, my teacher always made me annotate for it. Then I saw it... the moon!

I saw it out of the corner of my eye as  Iran to the window. I saw the moon in all of it's beauty with it's beautiful gray color and full of wholes and craters. Quickly and efficiently I obtained the moon rocks, then as I turned around, it hit me! I ran into a wall. But then it really hit me that I had accomplished something. Something huge, by myself, and something out of this world! I always screw things up someway or another but not this time. This time, I, Elijah Matthew Hexen, had gotten the requested rocks off the moon. I began to do my subtle yet not so subtle happy dance. My legs started moving, then my hips began to rotate, and then my arms began to sway, and I just couldn't stop. I was so proud.. oh my gosh... you know who would be really proud? My mom! As I went to go grab my phone, that I forgot I didn't have, I looked out the window and saw a huge rock flying straight towards Earth.

My jaw dropped and my A.D.D started kicking in. My thoughts were going every which way (not that they weren't before) and then  I remembered that thud. That loud thud that had rocked the ship. I must have hit an asteroid and knocked it down towards Earth. I could only think about how it was my fault people were about to die as  I watched the asteroid hurtling straight for Earth.


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