Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Welcome Back

This photo demonstrates how America is expanding and growing. America has become developed on why was once bare and rural land.
In 2015, I was a freshmen at Bowie High school. This photo is important because it represents how i felt. There were lots of people everywhere but I just had to stay focused and find my way through the people and problems of the year.

This photo represents how fast 2015 went by. I feel like I didn't get anything done in this year and now I am closer to graduating. 2015 went by super fat just like this train. Also it's a really cool photo because the one thing in focus is actually what is moving. 

1. The best song of 2015 was The River by Jordan Feliz. It is christian music and was released in October of 2015. The song means a lot to me because I was taking another step in my faith last year as was Jordan Feliz. The song talks about repentance and that was the concept that I was struggling to understand. The first time I heard it on the radio it caught my attention and I never stopped listening to it. I think it was the best for 2015 because if everyone understood this concept the world would be a much better place. 

2. The best movie of 2015 was Star Wars the force awakens. I chose this for 2015 because the entire year everyone was just waiting for this movie to come out. I don't necessarily think it's the best movie but I definitely think it represents the year of 2015. Everyone was talking about the movie and making plans to see it. I think it was the most memorable especially since it was near the end of the year. 

3. I think the most important news story of 2015 was the second attack on Paris. I remember it being all over the news and all over social media. Almost everyone had heard about this act of terrorism. Furthermore I think it truly demonstrates the problem the entire world is having with terrorists and attacks. Everyone is fighting and looking towards a peaceful world that is out of reach. 2015 was the year that ISIS became big and I think this attack on Paris shows the problems the world is going through. 

4. The most important person of 2015 was Donald Trump not because he is causing such commotion and drama within the U.S and the presidency but because everyone knows who he is. He is an outspoken individual with many ideas to "make America great again." Everyone knows who Donald Trump is, what his hair looks like, and his personality and values. Donald Trump is all kids and Adults talk about with his outlandish ideas. Furthermore he is running for president which makes him even more public and well known. I view Donald Trump as the most important person of 2015 because of how well known he is and because at least he is actually trying to do something for America. (whether it be bad or good) 

5. The biggest sports event of 2015 was the deflate gate Super Bowl. The patriots vs the Colts and the Patriots deflated the balls making it easier to grip in the cold weather. This event was in the news for weeks after the Super Bowl was over. Lawsuits were happening and the story was all over the papers. Many people had strong opinions about what they thought really happened in that 2015 Super Bowl game. Furthermore I think it really shows how big of a deal football and the Super Bowl is to Americans that a team would go to this extent to win a sports game. That is why I believe it is the biggest sports event of 2015. 


1. One memorable thing that happened over my winter break was on the road trip back home. My dad had just got done telling us that we were making such great time when all of a sudden we came to a complete stop. All at once phones were going off with tornado warnings and cars were pulling off to the side of the road. It was pouring rain and my parents were freaking out. We kept driving and only encountered damage that the tornado did. However I will always remember the buzzing of everyones phones saying tornado warning and how the trip was an extra 3 hours long. (So instead of 16 is was 19 hours.)

2. My resolutions for the 2016 year are to get stronger, read my bible more, and run close to everyday.

3. In 2016, I'm looking forward to making the track and softball team at Bowie. Also, I am looking forward to the summer. 

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