Thursday, October 29, 2015

1st commentary article

Once you are in high school, you are told about all the freedoms you are going to have and how much fun high school is going to be. One of the things they don’t tell you is that only seniors are allowed to go off campus for lunch. I believe that all grades (freshman-seniors) should be able to go off campus during lunch when appropriate.

Everyone at Bowie High School has 40 minute lunches but seniors get to spend there’s off campus and taking a break from school. They already get to have off periods so I believe that everyone should have the privilege of going off campus for lunch. Studies have shown that kids who get breaks from school are more focused and attentive later into the day. So if all students were able to leave campus and take a break, it would allow for better learning environments for students and better teaching environments for teachers.

Furthermore, many kids don’t have time to pack a lunch in the morning, may not have any food in their homes for lunch, or just may not like, or be able to eat the cafeteria food and wind up not being able to eat lunch. If all kids were allowed off campus, they could choose the food they want to eat and have a lunch. Lunch provides kids with energy to finish the day strong. Therefore those who don’t eat lunch for whatever reason are sluggish and not sharp for their last periods of the day.

Another issue is that not allowing students to go off campus for lunch leads them to make poor choices and try to sneak off campus. I know many students who have gotten in the trunk of cars or just pretended to be a senior so that they could get off campus. Restricting everyone but seniors to the school during lunch is almost challenging kids to see if they can break the rules. This leaves kids with the impression that later in life if they can break the rules and not be caught, then it’s okay. That is not a good mentality to have and is another reason all students should be able to leave campus.

However, I do understand why only seniors are allowed to go off campus. They have been here for four years and deserve some special privileges. Also, many schools are working towards becoming healthier and allowing their students to go off campus and eat fast food would ruin the gradual improvements schools have made to their school lunches. Lastly, schools may be worried that a lot of kids wouldn’t come back after they leave, students would be late for their next class, or students could wind up getting hurt on the streets.

These views may be true for some but lots of kids are active and involved with some athletic activity in or out of school. Therefore the unhealthy food being consumed will not drastically effect the health of most kids.

Also students education is there's. If they choose to skip school and miss class, that is there GPA and future that is being effected. If students decide to skip the rest of the day they will be taught a lesson  by the reflections of their grades. This is a good learning opportunity for them and when they grow up, they will know that it is important to do the right thing and listen to those in charge. 

Futhermore, there are ways to get around most of these problems though. My first suggestion is that once or twice a week, all your students should be allowed to go off campus for lunch. This way, seniors don’t complain that their privileges are being taken away and all other students don’t complain that the lunch situation is unfair.

Schools could also put punishments in place for those who don’t come back or are late to their next class so that they will correct it next time.

Another way to provide this privilege but still keep students under control is having them apply for an off campus lunch pass. To get this pass students would have to have good conduct in their classrooms, acceptable grades, a car or friend to go off campus with, and a parent signature. This way you make sure your student has to earn this privilege.

Again, I believe that all grades should be able to leave campus for lunch and that in doing so, it will provide for a better learning environment, better eating habits, and better mentalities for later in the students life.

Lunch is important-
Kids need breaks-

Current events Quiz 2.3

1. Who is the new Speaker of the house and what political party are they aligned with? Page A1 "GOP taps new speaker..."
-Paul Ryan and republican

2. What does the law in Texas specifically say regarding a persons failure to identify themselves? QUOTE directly from the story on Page B1 "Video taker sues in arrest"

-"Failure to identify becomes an offense if the person intentionally refuses to give a name, residence address, or date of birth to an officer who has lawfully arrested the person and requested the information.

3. What two teams are playing in the world series? Page C1

-Kansas City Royals and the New York Mets

4. What are 2 Do's and 2 Don'ts when trying to bring autumn into your home decor? Page SA2 "Bring autumn indoors"

-Buy seasonal items that can serve as "foundation" pieces for your decor
-Look for unusual conversation pieces ti invigorate and enliven your decor

-buy seasonal items in colors that aren't part of your current decor
-Don't go overboard with your seasonal decor

5. Of the 5 weekend suggestions, which would you like to do most? Page D2 "The Long Weekend"

-"Living Springs" screening at the Zilker Hillside Theater

No I have not seen this video but after I write this I will go and watch it.
      I am appalled by what this officer did. A student was being disruptive and he flipped her out of her desk... that seems way overboard to me. First of all, I don't see why an officer was needed in this situation because it started as just a simple classroom disruption. Second, I do think this officer overreacted and should be fired for throwing this student across the room.
      I do think that police brutality is a problem in this country. Most everyday I hear stories about how a police did this or a police did that. Each case is something different and usually it was the police's fault. I think steps need to be taken to improve police methods and lower the police brutality rates.
      I don't think racism is behind most of these issues. Maybe a few, but most of them I believe the police officers just get caught in the moment and react on instinct. Most of the time, their instinct is a more dramatic action than needed for that particular situation so things go wrong. I don't believe this officer intentionally flipped the desk but rather was just his first reaction.
     Many things play a role in these police brutality issues, one of those being social media and cell phones. When things happen and people are around, these events are most always recorded. Whether it be a video, photo, snapchat, etc. they are put out there for everyone to see. When these videos or photos go viral is when the situation begins to look worse. Now I am not saying that there was anything handled correctly in this situation but videos make it look worse because people don't know what happened before and after the video was taken. Viewers can only go off what they can see. 
     I think that it is important that people see these things but I don't think social media is the best way. When things go on social media they explode (go viral quickly) and I don't think everyone needs to see that. I think the best way to inform people of these events is by the news because usually adults watch the news and these events could scare kids.

Friday, October 23, 2015

SNO Online Papers

1. Lauren Mangold
2. How becoming a senior has caused her to stop working hard (learned helplessness) and her concerns and ideas towards college. She talks about how it doesn't matter how hard they try, she always fails.
3. "I just don't know what I am going to do and feel like I am always going to fail"
4. No they did not. This story was basically this girl complaining about her life and how she doesn't really know what to do. I guess seniors could relate to this though.... but she did not state the other sides opinion.
5.No they had a strong opinion about being confused about their future and tired of failure.
6. There aren't any direct quotes
7. First Person

1. Ekko Clish
2. How McNeils bathrooms are not the most comfortable or best looking and that they should be redone.
3. "McNeil high school is definitely not known for it's beautiful, porcelain restrooms"
     -He thinks that they really need updated bathrooms
4. Yes they gave both sides of the story. Although he was complaining he complimented the custodial staff and said the money might need to be used elsewhere.
5. No he had a strong opinion that the bathrooms needed remodeling and never swayed from that opinion
6. No direct quotes
7. Third Person

1. Editorial Board
2. The fact that students were given multiple chances to pass the STAAR so that they could move to the next grade but now a committee is deciding if these students should be able to graduate or not.
3. "We as the Eagles Eye editorial Board believe that, despite the good nature of the law, it defeats the purpose of the STAAR test entirely"
  -They do not agree with this new policy
4. They do give both sides. They talk about how it defeats the purpose of the test but also that it helps seniors be able to graduate on time
5. They have a strong opinion and stick with it throughout the story
6. No direct quotes
7. Third Person

Personal Essays

1. Make sure you write it so readers can relate
2. Put it in insight to both the small moment and the bigger perspective. Show rather than tell/be specific
3. Make connections
    Have a solid hook
    Think of your essay as a camera lens. Give the small specific details and then open up to the wider            

Current Events Quiz 2.2

1. What are the two potential causes of the Hidden Pines fire in Bastrop? Page A1 "New Hidden Pines..."?
- An overheating Shredder or a burn pile on the farm

2. Why was Alan Guckian nominated for a music educators award from the Grammy Foundation, according to the man who nominated him? Page B1 "Eastside band director...."

- Guckian is awesome and SaulPaul, the man who nominated him was impressed with how he interacted with the kids. He knows his craft and has a passion for music

3. Who is the favorite to win the F1 race to be held in Austin at the Circuit of America this weekend? Page C1 "Hamilton nearing  F1 season crown"

-Lewis Hamilton 

4. Name 3 types of apples mentioned in the story on page SA1 "Fall in love with apples"

-Honeycrisp, McIntosh, and Jonagold

5. Which of the 8 items in the "worthy of splurging" sounds like something you would like to try? Page D3 "Healthful foods are worth price tag"

-Real Vanilla because it adds the true flavor to the baked good or food

    My parents nor I have purchased a real textbook to have along with the digital copy  but I definitely have considered getting one. Every time the internet stops working or the book site is down I always tell myself, you need to get a textbook. 
    Not having a textbook hasn't hurt my grade yet but there are many times where I have to work extra hard to study for a test or finish the assigned homework. When the textbook isn't working I have to text a friend and ask them to send me the work or write an email to my teacher telling her that I couldn't do the homework. Furthermore, if I want to study something other than my notes and the textbook is down I just have to trust that what I'm reading on the internet is true. 
    I don't think going all digital was a good idea. I think it's okay to have the option of an online copy but the internet is not the most reliable thing and textbooks need to be easy to access and always available for you to use. 
     I do think that this trend will continue throughout the united states because it goes along with being green. Online textbooks don't require the use of paper so trees aren't being cut down. These days most everything can be done on your phone and that does make it convenient but I think that textbooks are just something that should be physical.
    I think the district decided to get rid of textbooks for two main reasons. One being that they don't want to waste paper and the online copies do just that. Two being the fact that a lot of kids are not responsible so the textbooks that are checked out to them either never get returned or come back ruined. Having an online copy makes it easy because it is available to everyone and there is no problems with getting the textbooks back.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Opinions Writing Preview


1. Editorial

2. The vote for a change in F.I.T times, the pros and cons to FIT, and student sharing.

3. "I think it more likely would have gone the other way, with most students favoring the everyday FIT schedule."
"While I think we should have FIT everyday, I don't think FIT is more valuable than class time."
She likes FIT but thinks it is poorly executed.

4. Yes they gave the opinions of those who like fit and those who want it gone.

5. No there opinion was strong. They stuck to one belief and had very good arguments for their points.

6. There are no direct quotes

7. 1st person


1. Kelsie Stella

2. The main office has made things more convenient for parents and students by switching to virtual methods.

3. "I think that moving toward a more technology-based system for these two documents, especially at a school like this, is going to prove to be extremely successful."
-Kelsie likes this technology advance

4. Yes they talked about students who don't have internet access at home and can't get these online forms.

5. No her opinion was stated at the end and the facts throughout the story supported one opinion.

6. yes, "the goal... is to provide easy access to people who are in need of their V.O.E for driving purposes."

7. Third Person


1. Nya Martin

2. Blue Bell's recalled ice cream issue and the three deaths caused by the ice cream

3. : I will not be consuming any of Blue Bell's products. I would prefer my money going to a more humbled creamery."
"This company will forever be responsible for this scary mishap."

4. Not very well. They only state why Blue bell is bad and should not be consumed. She should have talked about those who just issued blue bel ice cream.

5. Yes. They have a very strong opinion and all the information leads to the point where they state they will never eat blue bell

6. No direct quotes

7. First person


1. Annika Holm

2. The problems with Pep rallies

3. "The problem with pep rallies is that they don't inspire pep, nor do they rally support for the school."
-She thinks that pep rallies are pretty useless the way they are but with a few changes could actually do what they are supposed to.

4. Yes. She was  saying all the things wrong with pep rallies but then provides ways to fix these problems.

5. No. They stuck with their opinion of pep rallies need to be fixed and gave ways to improve them.

6. No direct quotes

7. third person


1. Amaya Marquez

2. This story is about how other sports besides football, basketball, volleyball, and baseball also deserve recognition.

3. "Our campus features other sports that as well represent our school, why is it that those sports get ore attention then others?'
-She believes that all sports deserve recognition

4. Not really. She only gives her views of the sports that don't receive recognition and mainly talks only about lacrosse. She should have included most sports that don't receive recognition and why those big 4 sports are the only ones that receive recognition.

5. Yes they stuck with their opinion. The whole way throughout he story she provided examples of sports that have major accomplishments but aren't receiving any recognition.

6. "I definitely feel like we should get just as much attention just like other sports."

7. First person


1. Melissa Weprin

2. This story is about Social and emotional learning and how students aren't remembering the skills they are being taught their freshmen year.

3. "While the skills can be helpful, the students aren't even fully aware of the benefit of the skills they are being taught."
-She believes we need the skills but they are not being taught in the best way

4. Yes they addressed that the skills were helpful and ways to improve the teaching of the skills.

5. no. Her opinion stayed the same throughout the story and she provided evidence of the failure to teach these skills and how to fix that.

6. No direct quotes

7. first Person


A. I think the main differences between a hard news story and an opinions piece is..
-The structure (opinions pieces didn't go transition, quote transition, quit)
-The information needed (Opinions are just your opinion while hard news is the facts and no opinions
-The order the information is presented (Opinions don't have an order they just write until they justify their point while hard news follows the inverted pyramid)

B. I think that there aren't very many photos on the page because opinion aren't really things that are current or picture worthy. They are thoughts. Furthermore they are fun to read so you don't really need the picture to pull you in.

C.  -Digital Textbooks
      -Only seniors allowed to go off campus
      -PSAT testing Days

Monday, October 19, 2015

Earthquake story

Monday, October 19, 2015 at 8:12 am an earthquake rocked the San Francisco Bay area causing two deaths, and six injuries from a building collapsing and the assistance of firefighters and the Red Cross.

“I was eating my breakfast when the room started rolling. I dove under the table just as I heard an explosion outside and a chunk of cement flew through my kitchen window. That’s when the screaming start across the street.” Hayward resident Mike Beamer said.

The building that collapsed was home to McHenry's Auto supply and firefighters used ropes to stabilize the shop so that they could search the building and fix a gas leak they had detected.

"Twenty-one fire personnel, 12 police and five American Red Cross workers responded to the building collapse, with some arriving within four minutes of the quake," Jennifer Vu, a public information officer from the Hayward Fire Department said.

Due to this quick response from the fire department and American Red Cross only two were killed and six were injured in the duration of the building collapse.

"Three of the six people injured were hurt seriously enough to require hospitalization and were transported to Hayward General Hospital," Vu said. "No other serious injuries have been reported in Hayward."

According to Penny Gertz, the epicenter of the earthquake was under the Hayward Hills.

"The quake was a strong one and it occurred on the Hayward fault, which runs under the hills," Scientist Penny Gertz from the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park said.

This earthquake had a magnitude of 6.4 on the Richter scale

"People as far south as Los Angeles and as far north as Redding felt the quake," Gertz said.

Those who were injured are in the hospital receiving treatment but we do not know who they are.

"Names of the dead are being withheld pending notifications of families," Vu said.


Huntington Story

        53-year-old Janice Jones's leg and car were shot through on Wednesday in Barstow, California due to the fact that she owned an illegal handgun and her abused dog who wanted a pork chop accidentally set it off.

“It could have been worse,” Rye said. 

The 9mm handgun was knocked off the seat and when it hit the floor it discharged.

“The bullet hit two inches from the gas tank," Rye said.

Jones was taken to two different hospitals to receive care for her wound.

"Jones was transported to Huntington Beach Hospital via ambulance and later was transported to Irvine Medical Center," Rye said.

While Jones was in the hospital, the Huntington Beach animal control was examining the dog.

"The dog seemed to be malnourished," animal control officer Janet Ngo said. "It had fresh cigarette burns on its forehead." 

The more the officers examined this dog, the more anima, abuse they noticed. 

“It could have done with a little less abuse and a few more of those pork chops,” Ngo said.

Ngo indicated that her office would explore filing animal abuse charges against Jones.

 "Jones has been cited for expired plates and the county’s district attorney’s office was considering whether to charge her in relation to the gun accident," Rye said. "Jones doesn’t have a permit for the gun."


Thursday, October 15, 2015

Lona Star Dispatch Issue #1- News Evaluation

Age Old Battle Still On Going

WHO: Senior Parker Smith
WHAT: Standing up for women's rights
WHERE: Bowie High School
WHEN: September 4,2015
WHY: She was dress coded for a shirt she wore
HOW: She spoke out against the injustice

Senior Parker Smith felt singled out when dress coded for a shirt that she was eating. Many students felt the same way and when Parker Smith posted this story on twitter it became a hit. Many people supported her while some called her out but either way she brought more attention to a forgoing problem in many schools today.

Parker Smith-Direct
Marley Neth-Direct
Principal Kane-Direct
Jennifer Smith-Direct
Brandon Smith-Direct

-I think saying "the true problem at hand is one that dates back beyond the women's rights protests" is an opinion because some may not believe that that is the "true" problem.

-Yes it does summarize the idea of the story


Building A Better Education Thanks to AISD Bond

WHO: Students
WHAT: New trainer room and kitchen
WHEN: This year (2015)
WHERE: James Bowie High School
WHY: We have more money available
HOW: The bond package passed by voters

Due to the AISD bond package Bowie had money to spend on improvements this year. Bowie chose to update the trainer's room, the culinary kitchen, and build a stand outside. The training room is now able to allow students the room they need to stay in good condition, the kitchen allows for a ether culinary experience, and now Andy is able to stop those trying to leave campus.

Pablo Riera-Direct
Bittani Thibodeaux-Direct
Richard Winemiller-Direct
Janelle Saey-Direct

I think saying "in the end, all of the changes around campus have been made to help students have a better experience at school" is an opinion. Some may not think these are making school better, especially those whom are not seniors and want to leave campus.

-I don't think it summarizes very well because a training room and a post for Andy have nothing really to do with your personal education


SAT and ACT Will Change In March

WHO: Juddi Pfieffer
WHAT: ACT and SAT will be different
WHEN: March 2016
WHERE: James Bowie High School
WHY: ?
HOW: ?

English teacher Juddi Pfeiffer says that the SAT and PSAT will be different next year and gives kids tips on how to prepare. She says to take some classes specifically for the SAT and to study things that interest you. Many students are now waiting on taking the test because they want to see the changes.

Juddi Pfeiffer-Direct
Isabela Doberenz-Direct and Indirect
Ricky Ramirez-Direct and Indirect

I think that "just by reading for 30 minutes a day the score on these exams will go up" is an opinion. this may only be true for some students and is not a factual statement.

-Yes it summarizes the story


Fit Bell Schedule Remains The Same After Proposals Last Year

WHO: ?
WHAT: The fit bell schedule didn't change
WHEN: This year
WHERE: James Bowie High School
WHY: To stay on track with other campuses and not confuse students
HOW: The proposal was not agreed upon

Bowie was considering changing it's bell schedule this year but it turned out many were against this idea. Many students said that they needed more time or didn't like the fact that they wouldn't seed their teachers often enough. However some were okay with the idea but in the end it was not approved.

Emily Heim-Direct
Nicole Moore-Direct
Kalia Aquino-Direct and Indirect
Patricia Conroy-Direct and indirect
Matt Saucier-Direct and indirect
Lili Benitez-Direct
Sahaj Mann-Direct

No opinions

-YEs it summarizes well


AISD Gives School Bond For Campus Renovations

WHO: Teachers and Student
WHAT: Renovations to Bowie
WHEN: 2013
WHERE: James Bowie High School
WHY: Got a bond from AISD
HOW: The bond was $16.5 million

Through the money that Bowie received from the bond, improvements are being made to the school. Students and teachers have both noticed these changes such as new clocks, Tvs and renovated bathrooms. Although many things are being fixed, some very important renovations or supplies are lacking.

Vicki Herbert-Direct
Tanner Howell-Indirect and Direct
Robert rasmus-Direct

I think saying "hearing about the bond was exciting for staff and students" is an opinion because unless someone said that, you don't know that they are all excited.

-Yes it summarizes well

No Graphic

Friday, October 9, 2015

Current Events Quiz 2.1

1. What is the potential conflict of interest with Austin City Council members and some parks and recreation board members getting free ACL passes? Page A1 "For City Council, ACL..."
-Many people who are offered the free tickets are not accepting them. They feel as if their presence at the festival is not worth as much as those tickets originally cost.

2. What message is Tom Steglich's political cartoon trying to send to viewers? Page A13 Political cartoon on the bottom right of the page.

-This cartoon is trying to show you that lawmakers these days do not care about your families well being and safety but more of just how much money they can obtain.

3. Why did a UT professor plan to resign later this year? Page B1 "UT prof fears for safety..."

-The state campus carry law has made him fear the safety of the campus and if he could remain unharmed.

4. What is new for Amazon and local Austin artists? Page B6 "Austin artisans sell on Amazon..."

-Amazon has made an online marketplace for 5,000 artisans and a lot of them are local Austin artists. 

5. Why is Metal Gear's new release rated so highly according to the reviewer? Page SA2 "Newest Metal Gear..."

-Unlike other video games, metal gear has been telling a continuos story. In this version it is leaving the main plot and changing the course of the game. You become the "big boss" and a lot of it is your own ideas and customizations to the game.

   This industry of fast mobile delivery has grown so much because people like the convenience. When people come home from work they don't want to stand in line at the grocery store when they could just have something delivered to their house or people don't want to wait in traffic when they could be going home to relax. Everything these days are made for convenience because that is what people want in order to live their busy lifestyles. 
   My family does use us mobile delivery just not the 1-2 hour kind. We buy things off of amazon all the time and are prime members. My family does it for the deals that amazon offers but also for the convenience factor of not having to drive to the store and find what you want. When we can do things in the comfort of our own hem, we do.
   I think that this new technology has targeted "millennial's" because this is a growing industry. Every company wants their product to be bought but if some are offering this new and more convent way of shopping then other companies have to target those people so that their stores don't get left behind. Since a lot of companies are advertising their mobile services, lots of people hear and read about it.
   I do believe that I will use these services regularly in the future. I like to do things efficiently and the most convenient way and I think this is it. Also, if i ever have kids or am sick i'm not going to want to leave the house so I can just have what I need delivered to me. Furthermore I think in the future they will have improved these services and items may be delivered even more quickly to your homes. I think that this revolution of online shopping is going to be the normal in the future and that I will defiantly take part in it.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Car Accident Story

 13 year-old Roger Clementine and 91 year-old John Jacob Jingleheimer-Smith got in a head on collision at the intersection of First Street and Slaughter Lane at 4:45 because Clementine did not have a license, was in the wrong lane, and was speeding.

"I couldn't believe what I was seeing. There was a kid who was almost not visible through the driver's window because he was so short," a witness from the accident said. "He was just cruising down the wrong lane without a care in the world."

Roger Clementine was cited for driving without a license, speeding, and driving in the wrong lane. 

"I am almost positive this is one of the biggest charges I have ever given a 13 year old," Police captain David Foor said. "Kids need to understand that there actions have consequences and in this case, serious consequences."

Due to the head on collision, Smith has a head energy and is in serious condition.

"We are doing everything we can to help Mr. Smith," hospital surgeon James White said. "His injury is pretty serious with lots of cuts and bruises to the head."

After the physical and mental trauma lessened for Smith's wife Melda and she was treated for her nosebleed, we were able to talk to her about the crash. 

"Ohhh, i just wish it had been me. What am I going to do without my husband!?" Melda said.

As you can see Clementine has caused a lot of trauma and damage in this unfortunate families life, but he did suffer a little bit. 

"Clementine just got released from our hospital's care," surgeon Gary Whitfield said. "He suffered cuts to his face and will probably never look like he used too."

Both vehicles involved in this accident were damaged but only Smith's 1989 Yugo Firebelcher was totaled. Clementine's 1948 Studebaker came out with just a crumpled fender.

"What is wrong with this world!" Melda said. "The people who caused the accident walk away with a crumpled fender while we have no car. I hope karma gets Clementine bad."

As of press time this evening, everyone except Smith has been released from the hospital and Clementine has been taken in.

"I just want to say that I am so sorry, which probably doesn't make up for anything and I know that," Roger Clementine said. "I don't know why I did it and will never ever forgive myself."


Monday, October 5, 2015

The Big Day

On April 22, 2015 at a church in Missouri, Quinn James and John Marshall were getting married due to the fact that they both loved each other. However, Clay Smith had also fallen in love with Quinn and was going to try and intervene.

"I was overjoyed about getting married to Quinn," soon-to-be husband John Marshall said. "She couldn't have a more perfect personality."

Little did John Marshall know that Quinn James had deeper feelings for someone else.

"I had met Clay at a bar a few weeks before my wedding," Quinn said. "It was like love at first sight but I knew I had to try to forget about him."

The day of the wedding, Clay Smith jumped in his silver volkswagon and through the pouring rain raced to get to the wedding.

"I couldn't stop thinking about Quinn and when I heard about the wedding I knew I couldn't live with myself if I didn't try to intervene," Clay Smith said.

The path was windy and many obstacles were thrown in Clay's way while trying to get to the wedding.

"It seemed like the universe was telling me to just turn around and I probably should have listened, but all I could think about was Quinn," Clay said. "I was screaming and yelling at the world, trying to let it know that I had somewhere very important to be, but it didn't listen."

As Clay was attempting to arrive at the wedding, bride Quinn James was getting ready.

"The dress was so beautiful and I couldn't believe that I had finally found someone to spend the rest of my life with," Quinn said. "But then I remembered Clay."

Not many could tell but Quinn's face showed it all, she was anxiously waiting for Clay to arrive and take her away.

"Once he was on my mind, I couldn't get him out," Quinn said. "I knew that we had a deep connection so I was waiting for a movie-like scene to happen where Clay comes and takes me away. I kept fidgeting with my ring and gazing out the window trying to deal with my thoughts."

Time kept ticking though and the wedding had to get started.

"I was just going to have to forget Clay like he had already probably forgotten about me," Quinn said. "I put on my best fake smile and just tried to think about how great John was and how pretty this dress was."

The minister went to shut the doors of the church and a little while later Clay arrived.

"When I saw the old doors of that church, I stopped thinking. I was acting purely on instinct," Clay Smith said. "All I could think was seeing Quinn one last time."

As the minister was saying the final words, the front church doors were thrown open and Clay, looking like he had just been beat up, came barreling through.

"I was shocked and didn't know what was happening," John Marshall said. "All I knew was there was a random man standing in the aisle and staring at my soon-to-be wife."

Quinn looked down, then to her husband, and finally turned her head and looked into Clay's innocent blue eyes one last time.

"As i stared into Quinn's eyes i understood that this was her life now," Clay said. "I was going to somehow have to find a way to move on, even if I knew that was an impossible task."


The Big Day Prewrite

WHO: Clay Smith- The brides true love/ guy in car
           Quinn James- The bride
            John Marshall- The groom
WHAT: A marriage and a true love racing to the wedding
WHEN: In spring (April because it's raining)
WHERE: At a church
WHY: Quinn was engaged to John but Quinn and Clay were in love
HOW: Clay was a waiter in a restaurant and Quinn came to eat the eek before her wedding. They fell in love at the restaurant but Quinn was getting married in a week

It was the day of Quinn's wedding and it was pouring outside. The skies were dark and the wind was howling. She was getting married to John Marshall at St. Catherine's church today. Everyone was overjoyed about this event except for one, Clay Smith. Clay fell deeply in love with Quinn when he met her at a restaurant last year. Clay was an average kind of guy without a lot of money, but was sweet and kind. He couldn't get his mind off of Quinn. At the same time, Quinn fell in love with Clay but what was she to do? She was already engaged. When he heard about the wedding his heart was broken. He got in his car and drove like lightning towards the wedding. As Clay raced to get there, the bride was getting ready for the big day. To her this was a gloomy and bad day, she was marrying the wrong person. As if expecting Clay to come save her, she tried to wait as long as possible but the time had come. Clay wasn't there. As the minister said the words, "you may now kiss the bride" the church doors were thrown open. Quinn looked into her true love's ocean blue eyes one last time.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Current Events Quiz 1.5

1. Why would the Pope meeting with Kentucky's Kim Davis, the clerk who refused to issue same sex marriages, be a story in this newspaper. In your opinion? Page A3 "Pope met with Kentucky clerk"
-I think the Pope meeting with Kim Davis  would be a news story because this is a big deal in America and lots of people disagree with Kim Davis. For the Pope to come to America and say that he supports this idea that most people are against is newsworthy.

2. How much support (%) from the general Texas population increase in the past five years, according to the Texas Lyceum poll on the topics of same sex marriage and marijuana legalization? Page B1 "Pot, gays gaining support"

-Support for marijuana legalization has increased by 13% since 2011 and support for same sex marriage went up 21% from 2009.

3. What were three of the six other key findings of the Lyceum poll, according to the same story?
1. Nearly 2/3 say they support the $800 million for border security

2. 65% support the federal action to stop the deport ion of illegal immigrants
3. 28% oppose the policy that provides those students with legal and renewable work permits

4. What is unique about the Lyceum poll, according to the same story?
-The poll did not not survey registered or licensed voters like most polls but looked at the states entire adult population.

5. What is the reason that Jordan Spieth's year has been so amazing (what record did he break)? Page C1  "Spieth has a season for the ages"

-Spieth won the tour championship, the Fedex cup, and extra $10 million, and a green jacket. He had a record tying score at the US open and overall had an amazing season.

A wearable is technology that you wear on your body, such as a fitbit or apple watch. We are seeing more and more of these wearables because modern day technology is advancing. These wearables provide people with a way to carry more in a smaller item, for instance a watch. Nobody likes having a whole bunch of things in their pockets and in their hands so these wearables are much more convenient and therefore people use them. Americans will almost always go for the more convenient option. 
     Personally i like the fitbit because I really enjoy to run. The fitbit tracks activity and everything else a serious runner wants to know about. Furthermore, they are small and compact but hold a lot of information. This way you don't have to have anything bulky on you while you are running.
     I do think that we will be seeing a lot more wearables as time progresses. Everyday technology is advancing and they are able to make more convenient items for people's everyday lives. Like I said before, human nature is to go with the more convenient item which is one of a wearables main purposes. 
    Personally I think that these wearables will be taken to an extreme. Maybe in the future what we see as extreme will be normal but I know that I don't really want a tracking chip in my body. I believe that there will be wearables made that invade peoples privacy yet some will choose to wear them for any number of reasons. For example, some already consider the google glass privacy violation but this is just the start of a wearables revolution. Scientists keep improving everyday and I think that wearables will be a huge market later on.