Friday, October 9, 2015

Current Events Quiz 2.1

1. What is the potential conflict of interest with Austin City Council members and some parks and recreation board members getting free ACL passes? Page A1 "For City Council, ACL..."
-Many people who are offered the free tickets are not accepting them. They feel as if their presence at the festival is not worth as much as those tickets originally cost.

2. What message is Tom Steglich's political cartoon trying to send to viewers? Page A13 Political cartoon on the bottom right of the page.

-This cartoon is trying to show you that lawmakers these days do not care about your families well being and safety but more of just how much money they can obtain.

3. Why did a UT professor plan to resign later this year? Page B1 "UT prof fears for safety..."

-The state campus carry law has made him fear the safety of the campus and if he could remain unharmed.

4. What is new for Amazon and local Austin artists? Page B6 "Austin artisans sell on Amazon..."

-Amazon has made an online marketplace for 5,000 artisans and a lot of them are local Austin artists. 

5. Why is Metal Gear's new release rated so highly according to the reviewer? Page SA2 "Newest Metal Gear..."

-Unlike other video games, metal gear has been telling a continuos story. In this version it is leaving the main plot and changing the course of the game. You become the "big boss" and a lot of it is your own ideas and customizations to the game.

   This industry of fast mobile delivery has grown so much because people like the convenience. When people come home from work they don't want to stand in line at the grocery store when they could just have something delivered to their house or people don't want to wait in traffic when they could be going home to relax. Everything these days are made for convenience because that is what people want in order to live their busy lifestyles. 
   My family does use us mobile delivery just not the 1-2 hour kind. We buy things off of amazon all the time and are prime members. My family does it for the deals that amazon offers but also for the convenience factor of not having to drive to the store and find what you want. When we can do things in the comfort of our own hem, we do.
   I think that this new technology has targeted "millennial's" because this is a growing industry. Every company wants their product to be bought but if some are offering this new and more convent way of shopping then other companies have to target those people so that their stores don't get left behind. Since a lot of companies are advertising their mobile services, lots of people hear and read about it.
   I do believe that I will use these services regularly in the future. I like to do things efficiently and the most convenient way and I think this is it. Also, if i ever have kids or am sick i'm not going to want to leave the house so I can just have what I need delivered to me. Furthermore I think in the future they will have improved these services and items may be delivered even more quickly to your homes. I think that this revolution of online shopping is going to be the normal in the future and that I will defiantly take part in it.

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