Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Opinions Writing Preview


1. Editorial

2. The vote for a change in F.I.T times, the pros and cons to FIT, and student sharing.

3. "I think it more likely would have gone the other way, with most students favoring the everyday FIT schedule."
"While I think we should have FIT everyday, I don't think FIT is more valuable than class time."
She likes FIT but thinks it is poorly executed.

4. Yes they gave the opinions of those who like fit and those who want it gone.

5. No there opinion was strong. They stuck to one belief and had very good arguments for their points.

6. There are no direct quotes

7. 1st person


1. Kelsie Stella

2. The main office has made things more convenient for parents and students by switching to virtual methods.

3. "I think that moving toward a more technology-based system for these two documents, especially at a school like this, is going to prove to be extremely successful."
-Kelsie likes this technology advance

4. Yes they talked about students who don't have internet access at home and can't get these online forms.

5. No her opinion was stated at the end and the facts throughout the story supported one opinion.

6. yes, "the goal... is to provide easy access to people who are in need of their V.O.E for driving purposes."

7. Third Person


1. Nya Martin

2. Blue Bell's recalled ice cream issue and the three deaths caused by the ice cream

3. : I will not be consuming any of Blue Bell's products. I would prefer my money going to a more humbled creamery."
"This company will forever be responsible for this scary mishap."

4. Not very well. They only state why Blue bell is bad and should not be consumed. She should have talked about those who just issued blue bel ice cream.

5. Yes. They have a very strong opinion and all the information leads to the point where they state they will never eat blue bell

6. No direct quotes

7. First person


1. Annika Holm

2. The problems with Pep rallies

3. "The problem with pep rallies is that they don't inspire pep, nor do they rally support for the school."
-She thinks that pep rallies are pretty useless the way they are but with a few changes could actually do what they are supposed to.

4. Yes. She was  saying all the things wrong with pep rallies but then provides ways to fix these problems.

5. No. They stuck with their opinion of pep rallies need to be fixed and gave ways to improve them.

6. No direct quotes

7. third person


1. Amaya Marquez

2. This story is about how other sports besides football, basketball, volleyball, and baseball also deserve recognition.

3. "Our campus features other sports that as well represent our school, why is it that those sports get ore attention then others?'
-She believes that all sports deserve recognition

4. Not really. She only gives her views of the sports that don't receive recognition and mainly talks only about lacrosse. She should have included most sports that don't receive recognition and why those big 4 sports are the only ones that receive recognition.

5. Yes they stuck with their opinion. The whole way throughout he story she provided examples of sports that have major accomplishments but aren't receiving any recognition.

6. "I definitely feel like we should get just as much attention just like other sports."

7. First person


1. Melissa Weprin

2. This story is about Social and emotional learning and how students aren't remembering the skills they are being taught their freshmen year.

3. "While the skills can be helpful, the students aren't even fully aware of the benefit of the skills they are being taught."
-She believes we need the skills but they are not being taught in the best way

4. Yes they addressed that the skills were helpful and ways to improve the teaching of the skills.

5. no. Her opinion stayed the same throughout the story and she provided evidence of the failure to teach these skills and how to fix that.

6. No direct quotes

7. first Person


A. I think the main differences between a hard news story and an opinions piece is..
-The structure (opinions pieces didn't go transition, quote transition, quit)
-The information needed (Opinions are just your opinion while hard news is the facts and no opinions
-The order the information is presented (Opinions don't have an order they just write until they justify their point while hard news follows the inverted pyramid)

B. I think that there aren't very many photos on the page because opinion aren't really things that are current or picture worthy. They are thoughts. Furthermore they are fun to read so you don't really need the picture to pull you in.

C.  -Digital Textbooks
      -Only seniors allowed to go off campus
      -PSAT testing Days

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