Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Current Events Quiz 5.3

1. How are AISD and the City of Austin working together to keep more money in the Austin community to use for schools? Be specific - Page A1 "City,Austin schools look for...."
A limited tax swap in which certain schools could be taken over preventing in paying more money than needed to the state. 

2. How many years will it take California and NY to raise the minimum wage to $15? Page A4 "Calif., NY to phase in $15...."

6 years

3. What school won the NCAA Men's basketball tournament last night and what was the final score? Page SE2 "Wildcats have finishing touch"

The villanova wildcats with a score of 77-74

4. Which of the 10 Amazing Destinations would you want to visit and why? Page SA1 "See the World" NOTE: This story jumps....

Australia because I have always wanted to snorkel in the great barrier reef (and see one of the seven wonders of the world) and pet a koala. 

5. Do you like idea of Instagram expanding videos from 15 second to 1 minute? Why or Why not? Page D1 "Instagram videos...."

Yes because sometimes the idea behind a video can't be captured in only 15 seconds. I think that more funny things and inspirational things will be able to be seen on Instagram if they expand to 1 minute long videos. 

The major candidates left in the race are Hilary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, and Ted Cruz. 
I don't really support any specific candidate because I don't agree with any of their views. I think the best ft would be Bernie Sanders except for the fact that he wants to raise taxes. I think the rest of the candidates are corrupt and aren't going to help America in any way. 
I think the United States is becoming more divided due to this election because people have very strong opinions about who they think should be the president. These strong opinions are causing fights, insults and strange apps to occur. People aren't really thinking how each candidate will effect America as a whole but how it will effect their personal lives. 
What concerns me most about this election is that there is no real good candidate. In my opinion, Hilary is completely corrupt, Trump is insane, Cruz just cares about beating Trump, and Bernie is going to raise taxes. I feel like our next president is going to have real issues running the united states. 
I think the big topics pushing these candidates are immigration, taxes, warfare, and the lower class. I think illegal immigration is a big factor (or t least that's all that Trump talks about) and the lower class goes with the idea of how people are going to distribute money and how they plan on taxing people. 
The topics most important to me are taxing and immigration. I believe that taxes should not be more expensive for the wealthy just because they (or most of them) had to work to get to that point and they shouldn't be punished for being wealthy. I also think that we can't get rid of all the illegal immigrants in the United States because that would take forever and just isn't fair to the people who came here to improve their lives and their children's lives. 

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