Saturday, April 23, 2016

Current Events Quiz 6.1

1.Who is replacing Andrew Jackson on the face of the $20 bill? Page A1 "Jackson out..."
-Harriet Tubman is replacing Andrew Jackson

2. Whys is a Texas teachers union suing the head of the state education agency? Page B1 "Teacher union sues..."

-Over a new evaluation system that ties students standardized testing scores to teacher’s scores

3. How many people have been killed in weather related accidents in Houston since the big floods of this week? Page B1 "Flood-hit Houston..."

-Eight people have been killed in the floods

4. What is the main focus or subject matter of an experiment that Westlake students were approved to send into space this week? Page B2 "Westlake students' winning..."

-The main subject matter is algae and its growth in space

5. What are 4 of the 6 ways to change the look of your room according to the article on page SA2 "Make effective decor...."

-Window Treatments


       I felt very nervous and anxious after reading this story just to know that there are people in this world that would knowingly leave contamination and potentially poison in the drinking water of people. I can’t believe that people would do this especially when they know that people are going to drink that water and it is not safe. Furthermore, the fact that the water was visibly dirty yet the state wouldn’t fix the problem is really wrong and upsetting. This town is full of people just like everyone else and the government has no right to treat them any differently.
     I had not heard of this story before reading it in the paper and kind of wish I hadn’t known as it just causes me to trust the government a little less.

       The people who knew that they were potentially poisoning a lot of people including children should be fined and go to jail. They were knowingly letting people drink dirty water that was not safe. This water could have killed people and that is just like a murder charge as they knew the dangers that the drinking water held to citizens. Those involved should not be let off easy as this was a situation that could have been stopped and controlled.
        I believe if it goes to the government they should be held just as accountable because the citizens who received this water in Flint complained to the government that it was visibly dirty and they did nothing about it. This water they were given was clearly contaminated and I believe the government should take just as much responsibility in this problem as they did not help these citizens when this dirty water was reported to them.

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