Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Sports Current Event

1. http://digital.olivesoftware.com/Olive/ODE/AustinAmericanStatesmanNIE/
2. One-Hit Wonder: Texas Somehow gets Victory
3. The Texas Rangers won their opening game with a blooper to the outfield. It was the first loss for Feliz and the person who hit the blooper is usually a home run hitter.
4. Bloop: a really weak hit that should have been an out but the opposing team made an error on the ball
Slugger: a person who usually hits the ball really hard
5. Defending, Slugger, shaky,
6. Recap because it was describing the recent win of the Texas Rangers in detail about how they won the game on an error.
7. Rankings, it mentions that it was the opposing teams first opening day loss and how it was  a great start to the rangers season. Meaning the opposing team must have been ranked pretty well while the Rangers were struggling a little.

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