Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Free Write #3

       PROLOGUE: The nation is controlled by ducks. The king of all the ducks is the Mandarin Duck, which can be identified by it's bright colors and feather like mane around its neck. The mandarin duck is somewhat of a dictator and all the other ducks address him as the great leader. However, in this nation, their are not only ducks but there are geese. The mandarin duck and all the other ducks are very prejudiced towards these geese. They consider them outcasts and trash. This display of racism and prejudice between the ducks and the geese has caused conflict between the two species. The problems in this nation don't stop here however. The dictator duck (the great leader) has set up brainwashing ponds all over the nation so that all ducks think that he is the supreme duck and that everything he does is good and righteous. Furthermore, these ducks are secluded from the outside pond and don't know that "the great leader's" ways are not good. This nation is called ducktopia.
    In ducktopia, ducks everyday are dying due to the "great leader" and their attempts to escape. "The great leader" feels that punishment should be inflicted on any duckling that makes the slightest mistake. This punishment consists of being squished by the great webbed foot, a contraption made by "the great leader's" minion ducklings. Ducklings are put into the brain washing ponds at the age of 3 months and are taught about how great the mandarin duck's ways are. However, a few ducks are able to look past this brainwashing and see that the mandarin duck is not good for their nation. They try to escape across the BOC (border of cattails) but few make it across. However one day, Finn was born. A duckling with big ideas and a brave heart.
     Finn was immediately thrown into the brainwashing ponds but as he grew older, he was one of those ducks that knew "the great leader's" ways were not good for Ducktopia. The only difference between Finn and the other ducks that knew the mandarin duck was a bad leader was that Finn didn't try to leave or escape. Finn stayed and began to form plans and actions. He stayed away in his mud dome house for many years as he watched his nation, Ducktopia, suffer from the wrath and rule of the mandarin duck. As the years went on, Finn grew angrier and angrier with the mandarin duck. Fin was different from all the other ducks. He didn't understand how anyone could be so cruel to their own species and so cruel to the geese. Finn finally took his plans and put them into action.
    He angrily waddled to the pond palace where the mandarin duck ruled from. He threw open the doors and marched his way up to the cattail throne. The Mandarin duck immediately sent his minion ducks to stop and kill Finn but Finn had prepared a weapon that the smell would knock out the other ducks. As he trampled his way through all the minions he finally reached the mandarin duck. he mandarin duck stood up and Finn's adrenaline started rushing. Finn charged at the Mandarin Duck trying to knock him out but the Mandarin duck didn't even fight back. He just stood their and surrendered. Finn had won.
     The Mandarin Duck had never had to do anything himself so when Finn was able to challenge him and only him he couldn't do anything about it. Finn, an ordinary duck had restored peace to this nation that was once destroyed. Finn became the leader of ducktopia but gave the ducks a say in everything that happened. Ducktopia was restored to a state of peace, happiness, and success. It may not seem like one person can make a difference, but one will never know until they try.

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