Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Lonestar Dispatch Issue number 5

PALS mentor elementary students 
Students from Bowie are in an organization called PALS lead by history teacher Alejandro Garcia. They are assigned a PALee and are given the opportunity to teach, get to know, and hangout with that person/student/PALee
Pals and elementary students
Students from Bowie in the PALS organization are keeping elementary kids happy
James Bowie High School
April 22, 2016
To become closer with their PALee 
 By hanging out with them, reading to them, talking with them, and teaching them. 
Who was quoted in the story? 
Junior Amy Cox
History teacher Alejandro Garcia
Junior Macy Hartman
What quote was the strongest in your opinion?
I think that Amy Cox's last quote was the strongest because it not only talked about how PAL's teach their PALee's but how their PALee's can inspire and teach them.
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?
Yes because I wanted to know more about the organization
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?

Disability won't stop talent
Kenny Finkelstine was born without the use of his left hand however that has not stopped him from pursuing his love of music. He goes to plays and coverts and knows a lot of music history. Kenny has not let his physical disability disable his spirit. 
Senior Kenny Finkelstine
Kenny Finkelstine has a disability of not being able to use his left hand yet still pursues music
James Bowie High School
All of his life
He was born 11 weeks premature and had a brain hemorrhage a few days after
Kenny was born early yet has a great personality so he doesn't let this disability hold him back but takes in a lot of music history knowledge 
Who was quoted in the story? 
Kenny Finkelstine
Mom, Ruth Finkelstine
Senior Colby Jeffus
Scholar teacher Ethan Ellerbrock
What quote was the strongest in your opinion?
I think the last quote by Kenny was the strongest as it gave us his perspective that not all physically disabled people are mentally disabled as well
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?
Yes because I couldn't imagine living without two hands
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?

Seniors receive nostalgia with four-year-old letters
Seniors, at the end of the year, receive the letters that they wrote to themselves when they were freshmen. They are stood in an english class for four years and then she the seniors receive them they are able to see how much they have changed and matured through their high school year. 
seniors of Bowie
Receive the letters that they wrote to themselves their freshmen year
James Bowie High School
End of senior year
A fun reminder of how high school began for them when they were freshmen
They write the letters as freshmen and Ms. Blevins keeps the letters in her room until they are ready to be distributed
Who was quoted in the story? 
English teacher Shari Blevins
Senior Kandice Cox
Senior Angelica Saenz
What quote was the strongest in your opinion?
I think the quote my Angelica Saenz was the strongest as it showed how people can change as they go through the four years of high school
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?
yes because I remember writing that letter and i wanted to hear the funny things people had in theirs
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?

Softball team is still undefeated
The bowie varsity softball team has so far gone undefeated in district play. The coaches and players give credit to the hard work in practice, and the strong bond between the players and the coaches. The softball team has never gone this far undefeated in district play. 
Bowie Varsity Sotball team
They are currently undefeated in district
James Bowie High School
The spring season of 2016
They have won all of their games and no one at Bowie has ever done that
The team works hard in practice and bonds well so that they are close and able to fight for the win every game
Who was quoted in the story? 
Headcoach Liz Wissel
Junior Alex McClennan
Junior Kaley Farnish
What quote was the strongest in your opinion?
I think the first quote by Alex McClennan was the strings t as you got a players perspective on the hard work the team has put into winning. 
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?
Yes because it created good suspense and pulled me in. 
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?

Band director set to move to a new school at year's end
Band teacher Kim Shuttlesworth is leaving Bowie next year to start a new program at a new school however she has left her mark at Bowie. Students felt that she taught in a specific way that helped them excel and student felt that they could talk to her. She will be missed next year at Bowie.
Band teacher Kim Shuttlesworth
The band teacher is leaving Bowie to start a new program but her legacy won't b forgotten
James Bowie High School
Next school year 2016-2017
She is starting a new program at a new school and feels that she has changed the bowie program fr the better
She had specific teaching methods and advice that motivated kids and allowed her to feel like the program will stay how it is even if she is gone
Who was quoted in the story? 
Band teacher Kim Shuttlesworth
Junior Gianna Nuckols
Senior Lauren Anderson
Senior Danny Cruz
What quote was the strongest in your opinion?
I think the last quote by Danny Cruz was the strongest as it definitely showed how she was more than just a band teacher
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?
Not really as it kind of just told me what was happening.
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?

Social Media back at it again
Damn Dnaiel became a poplar hit very quickly yet it got annoying in schools when that's all you would hear in the halls. However the two kids were able to use their fame for good and donate a bunch of shoes to a children's hospital. 
Damn Daniel. Daniel and Josh
They became an overnight hit and even though it was annoying were able to use their fame for good
California and James Bowie High School
A few weeks ago
People thought it was funny and wanted to be just like Daniel's friend Josh
They were posting videos on snapchat and got famous. Then when Daniel received his lifetime supply of vans he gave them to a children's hospital.
Who was quoted in the story? 
No quotes but Alicia Molina wrote the story
What quote was the strongest in your opinion?
No quotes
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?
Yes because I could relate to the annoyed feeling towards Damn Daniel
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?

A shift in political apathy?
This years elections has truly provoked emotions. So much so that it may bring the millennial generation out to vote. This generation hasn't shown up to polls that often except now with the use of social media and Donald Trump, millennials are expected to show up to the polls. 
The millennial generation and other voters
The millennial may show up to the polls this year as social media and the internet has been a big portion of campaigns
The United States of America
November 4, 2016
The millennial generation hears things and sees things on the internet before anyone else. 
They are ages 18-25 so they are on the internet all the time and constantly getting phone notifications from social media. 
Who was quoted in the story? 
No quotes 
What quote was the strongest in your opinion?
No quotes
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?
Yes because Donald Trump is such a controversial person 
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?

1. What is your favorite photo in the entire paper?
The Picture for the story "Baseball plays it safe"
1A. Why is this your favorite?
It's a good action shot that really tells the story of the photo and of the actual copy that goes with the photo.
1B. What rules of photo composition are evident?
Depth of field, balance, leading lines, and background

2. What is your least favorite photo in the entire paper?
The photo of the kid next to the tennis story where he is leaned up against the water jugs.
2A. Why is this your least favorite?
It is not exciting, the subject is right smack in the middle, and it just doesn't grab my attention or tell a story like most of the other photos do

3. If you were a photographer on staff, which event/photo assignment would you have liked to do for this issue? You will need to look through the entire paper and see the topics covered and decide which one you think would have been fun.
The softball game because I play softball and really loving taking sports actions shots

4. Overall, how would you rate the photography in this issue? What were the strong points and weak points.
I would rate the photography a low A because not all of the pictures really tell a story. However most of the photos are in focus, fairly interesting, and go really well with the stories they are paired with. I think the photo composition rules could be a little better.

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